15th October 2004
Pictures UK will release the Thunderbirds movie on November the
15th. The disc will feature the film (in anamorphic 1.85:1 format), with
Dolby Digital 5.1 audio (at 448kbps).
The disc will feature a commentary track
(by director Jonathan Frakes) and about half an hour's worth of
featurettes: Creating The Ultimate Action Sequence (an "in-depth"
eight minute look at the film from creation to final production); Tracy
Island Revealed (9m, on the design and creation of Tracy Island);
Lady P and Parker - Fun & Stunts (3m, about the main Tracy Island
fight sequence); FAB 1 - More Than Just A Car (3m, about the new
FAB 1); and Lady Penelope's Pink World (4m, "a tour through Lady
Penelope's world, accessories and gadgets"). Other bonus features include
Busted's Thunderbirds Are Go music video (4m) and a multiple choice
storybook game, Hood Vs Thunderbirds. The disc will also feature
trailers for Shrek 2, Billy Elliot - The Musical, The
Land Before Time 10 and Balto - Wings of Change.
RRP for the disc is £19.99. There'll also
be a Gift Set, which will contain the DVD, five "rocket toys" and a map of
Tracy Island, which has an RRP of £29.99. A selection of the disc's
horribly-structured and badly-designed menu screens can be seen
Tristar has pencilled in their first releases for 2005, which include two
significant 2004 theatrical releases:
Hellboy and The
Punisher (both of which are already available on DVD in the US...
heck, the Director's Cut of Hellboy is available on DVD in
the US, which shows how far behind the UK is!) Both films are scheduled
for release on January the 1st.
Also appearing on Columbia's slate for
January are the first season of Fat Friends (due on the 17th), and
Sea of Souls - Series 2 (a two-disc set, due on the 31st).
13th October 2004
We have two new reviews for you today!
Minor contributor Mike Hadfield has taken a slightly belated look at
Momentum's CSI: Miami - Season 1 - Episodes 1.1 - 1.12 release.
Oddly it seems we're going to have to wait until February for the rest of the season, despite the discs having been
authored and apparently ready to go. If you can't wait, you could always
go for the Region 1 version, which has the additional attraction of
featuring the episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation that
introduced the CSI: Miami characters (season two's Cross
Jurisdictions). Anyway, before I steal any more of Mike's thunder,
check out the review, by clicking on the sleeve image, right, or
Our second review is of Network's third
The Adventures of Robin Hood DVD set, which is in some stores now. The
set contains thirty-nine half hour episodes, across five discs. Sadly the
set suffers from the same audio problem that's affected the company's
Ripping Yarns set (see Monday's news item, or
read the review!) Click on the sleeve image, right, or
here to read the
Universal Pictures Video is releasing a
thirty-five disc John Wayne The Collection box set on November the
It will include twenty-five films which
have been previously released (as John Wayne - The John Ford Collection,
Wayne Out West, Wayne At War and Wayne In Action),
plus eight films new to DVD in the UK, and two new releases (doesn't
that make it ten films new to DVD? Maths was never my strong point). These
are: War of the Wildcats, Flame of Barbary Coast, In Old
California, DeMille's Oscar-winning Reap The Wild Wind,
Pittsburgh, Dakota, Lady From Louisiana and Three
Faces West (the "new to DVD" titles) and Seven Sinners and
Shepherd of the Hills (the "new release" titles).
The set features interviews with director
Peter Bogdanovich, Western actor Harry Carey Junior, Wayne's son Patrick
(star of Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger) and former Time Out
film editor Tom Charity; the original theatrical trailer for She
Wore A Yellow Ribbon (thirty-five films, and they could only find one
trailer?!); a Making of Rio Grande documentary; and a Rio Grande
stills gallery. Not a lot of extra bang for your buck, is it? RRP for
the set is a cool £199.99
Entertainment in Video will release Will
Ferrell's box office hit Elf on DVD on November the 8th (a week
before the official release date of the US version, from New Line).
The two-disc set will feature commentaries
featuring director Jon Favreau and star Ferrell. Other bonus materials are
listed as follows (quoted verbatim, because it's a bit of a mess):
Disc Two - About Christmas; Kids On
Christmas / Deck The Halls / Santa Mania / Christmas In Tinseltown; All
Access Pass: Theatrical Trailer / Elf Jukebox / Deleted and Alternate
Scenes / Behind The Scenes - Tag-a-long with Will Ferrell; Film School
For Kids; How they Made the North Pole; Lights, Camera Action!; That's a
Fun 'n' Games: Elf Karaoke / Read-Along:
Elf - A Short Story of a Tall Tale / Buddy's Adventure Games:
The Race Down Mt Icing; Snowball Fights; Fix Santa's Sleigh
The UK version looks broadly similar to the
US edition, which will be compromised by the addition of a 4:3 version,
but there do seem to be some other differences: the US version will have a
Infinifilm Fact Track (information subtitles), but doesn't appear
to feature the Deck The Halls / Santa Mania / Christmas In Tinseltown;
All Access Pass; Theatrical Trailer / Elf Jukebox; Lights Camera Action!;
and That's a Wrap items. This may simply be because of the way
they've been listed on the UK press release, though.
The RRP is £19.99. A limited edition box
set version (pictured), which includes an Elf clock, will also be
available, with the same RRP. (Some retailers are discounting the normal
version more than the edition with the clock).
12th October 2004
fourth and final box set of The Sweeney has been confirmed for
release on October the 18th.
The set will feature fourteen episodes, all
digitally restored and presented in their original aspect ratio. The set's
bonus features are confirmed as: episode introductions by guest stars
James Warrior, George Sewell, Jenny Runacre, Nick Stringer, Peter Wright,
and Eric Morecambe's son, Gary; The Electric Theatre Show
interviews with John Thaw, Dennis Waterman and producer Ted Childs, from
1978; Sweeney 2 trailer, with introduction by Ken Hutchison and James
Warrior; Sweeney 2 promotional gallery PDF; two This Is Your
Life extracts (Dennis Waterman, from 1978, and John Thaw, from 1981);
stills gallery; 1978 The Sweeney Annual PDF; extract from the
Morecambe and Wise documentary Behind the Sunshine, about their
appearance on The Sweeney; outtakes; Series 4 textless titles with
dual sound; and music-only tracks. The Sweeney - The Complete Fourth
Season has an RRP is £39.99.
Network has nailed down the details of their three-disc Star Cops
set, which has been re-scheduled for release on November the 1st.
The set will contain all nine episodes,
digitally re-mastered. Bonus features include three commentary tracks (on
An Instinct For Murder and Little Green Men and Other Martians,
by series creator / writer Chris Boucher, and on This Case To Be Opened
in a Million Years, by writer Philip Martin); a documentary, It
Won't Be Easy - The Making of Star Cops; two featurettes: I Had To
Kill Blake - The Career of Chris Boucher; FX, Lies and Videotape -
Designing the Future (on the models and special effects); a Q&A
session, Philip Martin's Question Time (covering Star Cops,
Doctor Who and Gangsters); continuity links and trailers;
"extensive" photo gallery; Radio Times cover plus feature which
contains cast and crew PDF; Radio Times listings; Starburst
feature on the costumes of Star Cops. The RRP for the set is
Note that some of the features previously listed (over thirty minutes of
discontinuous studio recording and unused takes and behind
the scenes footage) are not mentioned in the new press release, and may
not be included on the finished set.
(Universal Columbia Alliance) is releasing a set of Cheech and Chong
movies - the Cheech and Chong Collection - on November the 15th.
The set will feature five movies: Cheech
and Chong's Next Movie, Nice Dreams, Things Are Tough All
Over; the pseudo-documentary short Get Out Of My Room and
Marin's Born in East LA (which has never been released in the UK,
and is exclusively available in this new set).
No technical details were released, other
than the sound will be "Dolby". RRP for the set will be £39.99.
11th October 2004
I was saddened to hear of the death of
Christopher Reeve, a man of incredible spirit and determination. By odd
coincidence I've been slowly working my way through the second series of
Smallville, and only yesterday watched the first episode that he
appeared in. Although he'll forever be associated with Superman, there'll
be a fair percentage of his fans who adore Jeannot Szwarc's film
Somewhere In Time, another fine fantasy movie. Reeve was a remarkable
man, coping with the cruellest twist of fate imaginable, and an
inspiration to millions.
Oddly enough Jeannot Szwarc directed the
movie that we're reviewing today. Zeta Minor contributor Darrell
Jones has taken a look at Szwarc's 1985 movie Santa Claus The Movie,
which stars Dudley Moore and the irrepressible John Lithgow. Click on the
sleeve image, right, or
to read Darrell's review. The disc is released on November the 8th.
Not to be outdone,
Richard Spurr has reviewed the underrated and somewhat neglected BBC
sitcom Going Straight, which was released in its entirety on DVD
recently. The series has always cowered in the shadow of the series that
spawned it (Porridge), but it has many redeeming qualities, not
least of which are a fine performance by Ronnie Barker, as Norman Stanley
Fletcher, seamlessly transplanted to civilian life, and the fine writing,
by Ina La Frenais and DIck Clement. Click on the sleeve image, right, or
here, to read Richard's
Warner Home Video has issued a statement
about their recent release of The Goonies, which didn't quite live
up to the promises of the press release or packaging:
Warner Home Video regrets to announce that,
due to a manufacturing error, the DVD version of The Goonies has
been distributed with an incomplete disc.
The incomplete DVD disc contains English
language only and not the full range of languages listed on the sleeve. In
addition, the audio commentary is missing from the disc.
The correct version containing all the
listed languages plus the audio commentary will be available at all
retailers from next Monday 11 October.
Anyone who has purchased a copy of the
DVD containing the incomplete disc can exchange their DVD for the correct
version by following these instructions:
Remove the DVD disc from its box
Place the disc in an envelope along with
your name and address
Seal the envelope and send FREEPOST to:
PO BOX 327
Please allow up to 28 days for delivery
of replacement.
We have three new competitions for you to
try your luck with today, offering the chance to win Network's outstanding
two-disc set of Terry Jones and Michael Palin's comedy series Ripping
Yarns, courtesy of our friends at Network; or a set of fourteen -
count 'em - Hammer Horror Collection DVDs, which are being released
by Warner Home Video at bargain prices; or the third and final series of
Roswell, thanks to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Click
on the banners above, or
here for the
Ripping Yarns competition;
here for the
Hammer Horror Collection competition; or
here for the
Roswell - The Complete Third Season DVD set.
If you have your DVD player connected to a
Dolby Digital or Pro-Logic decoder, and were thinking of buying Network's
Ripping Yarns set, you might want to hold off for a few weeks. The
first batch of discs has an authoring fault which affects audio playback
(all the audio comes from the rear speakers). A relatively small number of
copies are affected, but they are likely to be the ones in shops now. I
will try and get an official statement from Network this week about the
problem, and discover whether they will be offering some sort of trade-in
for people who have bought the faulty discs. If you're going to listen to
the discs through your TV speaker, then you should have no problem (it
seems to be a Dolby Digital steering fault). You can read Ceri's review of
the new set here. I'll be
adding a note to it later today to mention the audio problem.
Christopher Reeve's death has rather
dampened my spirits this morning, but I do want to briefly note that today
is officially Zeta Minor's second birthday. Hard to believe that it
was (only) two years ago that I tentatively uploaded my
Star Wars - Attack of the
Clones DVD review. So much has changed since then! The most
notable change has been the alliance that Zeta Minor has forged
with Roobarb's DVD Forum,
which also goes from strength to strength.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank
everyone who has helped with the site over the last year: Karl, for
hosting the site; Adam, for running a better Forum than I could
possibly do myself; and, especially, Ceri, whose tireless work on the
Incoming and Offers pages has given the site a new voice, and
helped redefine the site's modus operandi. Ceri, if it wasn't for
all your support, I'm not sure I'd still be here. He also writes a pretty
smart review! Thanks, matey!
I'd also like to thank the people who have
recently begun contributing reviews to the site, especially Matt West,
Mark Frost and Lee Medcalf.
Thanks, too, to all the DVD labels and PR
companies that have supported the site with press releases, review discs
and competition prizes. Special thanks to to Sophie at Blue Dolphin (for
Network), David, Paula, Kim and Nina at DSA (for Twentieth Century Fox Home
Entertainment), Matt and Stephen at Peter Noble PR (for Warner Home
Video), all the folks at New Media Maze (for Universal and Dreamworks),
Bella and Bryan at Greenroom (for Paramount), Paul at Tartan, and Debbie
and Yung at Cathy Beck (for Granada Ventures). Apologies for anyone I've
not mentioned - you know I love you all!
And now - not before time - here's...
everyone, here’s the guide to this week’s update to the
kick things off with the biggest release of the final quarter, if not the
entire year…
Extended Edition
box set of Peter
Jackson’s adaptation of The Return of the Kings, finally completing
the Lord of the Rings trilogy, is now being listed for the 10th of
December. Boasting a further 48 minutes (and boy does the theatrical cut
need it) to expand and clarify the storyline.
Special features for the four disc set are showing as:
Disc 1 & 2:
Audio commentary from director Peter Jackson with writer/producer Fran
Walsh and writer Philippa Bowens; Audio commentary from members of the
design team; Audio commentary from members of the production and
post-production team; Audio commentary from members of the cast.
Disc 3:
Introduction from Peter Jackson; J.R.R. Tolkien: The Legacy of
Middle-Earth documentary; From Book To Script - Forging The Final
Chapter documentary; Abandoned Concept: Aragorn battles Sauron;
Designing Middle-Earth documentary;
Big-atures documentary; Weta Workshop documentary;
Costume Design documentary; The Peoples of Middle-Earth
galleries with audio; The Realms Of Middle-Earth galleries with
audio; Miniatures galleries with audio; Home Of The Horse Lords
documentary; Middle-Earth Atlas: Tracing the Journeys of the Fellowship
interactive map; New Zealand As Middle-Earth interactive map with
on-location footage.
Disc 4: Introduction from Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic
Monaghan; Cameras In Middle-Earth documentary Production photos: a
gallery of 69 images; Weta Digital documentary; The Mumakil
Battle interactive feature; Editorial: Completing The Trilogy
documentary; Music For Middle-Earth documentary; The Soundscapes
Of Middle-Earth documentary; The End Of All Things documentary;
The Passing Of An Age documentary; Cameron Duncan: The
Inspiration for Into the West documentary; DFK6498 short film;
Strike Zone short film.
Entertainment in Video’s box set has an RRP of £34.99, but
regularly have the Extended Edition
box sets at 49% off and (thanks to Lissa for posting
about this!) they have done so again. To order it at the very tempting
price of £17.99 – click
As expected there is also a complete collection of the Extended Edition
box sets to all three films. That is also listed for the 10th of December
with an RRP £64.99. If you’re interested in purchasing that Amazon are
offering it at £43.99 (here).
Though, it does work out cheaper to purchase the three sets individually:
Amazon has the first two sets very cheaply at the moment – Fellowship
of the Ring at £12.97 (here)
and The Two Towers at £11.97 (here).
So, purchasing these two with’s offer for the final set is the
cheapest way if you want all three. But, for some folks, isn’t
Just in time for Christmas, Universal are putting
out Holiday Inn with some interesting special features. Included
are A Couple of Song and Dance Men featurette; All Singing, All
Dancing: Before and After featurette; audio commentary by film
historian Ken Barnes with archive audio comments from Fred Astaire, Bing
Crosby and John Scott Trotter; Cast and crew profiles; Theatrical trailer;
and Production notes. It has a date of November the 29th with an RRP of
£17.99, though Sendit are offering it at £7.99 in the Universal promotion
they are running at the moment – click
here if you are interested!
The recent
shark thriller Open Water has started to appear on some of the
retailers for the 27th of December (just in case Jaws isn’t on
somewhere over the Christmas period). Extras include an
audio commentary from the
actors and filmmakers; In The Jaws Of Death: a behind the scenes
documentary featuring actors Blanchard Ryan & Daniel Travis and film
makers Laura Lau and Chris Kentis (30 mins); Predators shark
documentary; Storyboards and production sketches; Shark Attack
game; Easter Egg: behind the scenes footage (15m); and a shooting script,
with handwritten corrections PDF. The release is from an as yet unknown
label (probably Redbus, via Warner Home Video) and has an RRP of £17.99.
Home Video has a The Ultimate Oliver Stone Collection now showing
for the 6th of December. They have put out Oliver Stone collections
before, but to justify the ‘Ultimate’ tag this collection features 12
discs and includes
Salvador Wall Street, Born On The 4th Of July, JFK,
The Doors, Heaven And Earth, Natural Born Killers, U-Turn
and Any Given Sunday. Extras include the documentary
Stone's America
and a bonus disc that takes a look at the making of Stone's epic
Alexander which also features a pair of politcial documentaries by the
director: Persona Non Grata and Looking for Fidel. The
collection has an RRP of £99.99.
Another collection (it’s the quarter leading up to Christmas after all!)
is one covering four of Marlon Brando’s films:
The Wild One,
On The Waterfront, The Ugly American and The Appaloosa.
Special features include a
director interview, Mastering the Method featurette and Collectable
Postcards. The collection from Universal has and RRP of £34.99 and a
street date of October the 25th.
Morgan Spurlock’s fantastic documentary on McDonalds, Super Size Me,
has been picked up by Tartan for release and it’s appeared for the 3rd
January 2005 (perfect timing after all those holiday blowouts!). Tartan
have also pulled together some interesting extras: director's commentary;
UK Exclusive director interview; deleted scenes; UK premiere voxpops; Q &
A with the McLibel Two; Original theatrical trailer; McLibel
trailer; A Word with Phil Lempert - Supermarket Guru; Chewing
The Fat Q & A. Tartan’s release has an RRP of £15.99. The McLibel
trailer is presumably for the proposed DVD release of the documentary that
was optioned by the BBC and Channel 4 before they got cold feet. This
proposed release will also feature some interesting extras including a
follow-up documentary; commentary track; interview; and outtakes. It’s a
shame that Channel 4’s re-enactment from 1997, McLibel!, featuring
Clive Merrison and Julia Sawalha couldn’t be include, as that was really
good. The problem is though the label trying to release the McLibel
documentary are very small and have limited funds – to find out more click
BFI are preparing three Jacques Tati
films -
Jour de Fete (for the 15th of November), and two Monsieur Hulot films,
Mon Oncle and Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (both the 29th of
November). All three have an RRP of £19.99.
Some titles that were known to be on Cinema Club’s roster have now
appeared for March next year.
At the
Earth’s Core,
The Land that Time Forgot and Warlords of Atlantis are all
due on March the 7th, and Dentist on the Job,
VIII and His Six Wives
1972 Keith Mitchell film) and The Man Who Haunted Himself are due a
couple of weeks later on the 21st. All six titles have RRPs of £9.99.
let’s have a look at the TV releases…
big thank-you to Andy Priestner, who runs the superb
website, for passing on information about some of releases he’s
working on for DD Video.
there is a release of the remaining episodes of the Derek Nimmo BBC sitcom
Oh Brother! Much in the same vein of Nimmo’s other sitcom All
Gas and Gaiters, but with different characters and set in a monastery,
Oh Brother! ran for three series between 1968 -1970. All of the
seven episodes of the final series exist in colour PAL 625 format, but
unfortunately, the only other episode that exists is the very first
episode, which exists as a black and white telerecording. It was thought
that a series two episode was also extant, but sadly when checked neither
the BBC nor BFI held it. The release will also feature a photo gallery and
a 24 page behind-the-scenes booklet (written by Andy). It has a date of
November the 8th and an RRP of £19.99. DD Video is also planning to
release the follow-up series Oh Father! during 2005.
Also due on November the 8th is a complete collection of all three series
releases of Secret Army for an RRP of £129.99. This will include
all the features and booklets (all written by Andy) that appeared in the
individual releases.
the cards for next year also from DD Video are releases of Kessler,
the follow-up series to Secret Army, which is hopefully due in the
Spring and the 1972 BBC twenty-part adaptation of War and Peace,
starring Anthony Hopkins, Colin Baker
and Joanna David, for around the middle of the year. These are, of course,
subject to the usual sort of clearances.
Sadly, there appears to have been some problems with all of DD Video’s
October the 4th releases – J.M. Barrie’s The Lost Boys, Orde
Wingate, Secret Army – Series 3, Survivors – Series 2
and the already-slipped Oh Doctor Beeching – Series 1 – which has
meant they’ve been delayed, but I’m sure these are minor issues and it
won’t be long before they make it out. DD Video’s next release, Fall of
Eagles, is due on October the 18th. Hopefully, the other releases will
make it out before then or with it, but the delays may have a knock-on
effect on Fall of Eagles as well.
Acorn is planning a collection of all three releases of Tenko.
The Complete Series box set is listed for January the 10th with
£149.99 as its RRP. Though, it’s of course cheaper to pick-up the
Series 1 and 2 box sets from Amazon at the moment, who have
both at £21.97 – click
here and
Back on the schedules is Columbia Tri-Star’s release of
Sea of
Souls – Series
1, presumably
tying-in with the broadcast of the second series. Its new date is the 31st
of January, with £24.99 as its RRP.
second series of Rab C. Nesbitt is being released on October the
18th, again by the same label as the first series – John Williams
Productions. Its RRP is £14.99.
Universal Playback’s box set re-issue of Series 1-5 of A Touch
of Frost has had its RRP raised. It’s now £110.99 – the original RRP
listed, £29.99, did seem too much of a bargain. I hope you got your orders
Three more British comedy releases from the main Universal arm are now
listed for November: Dave Allen’s early 90s ITV series,
Allen – On Life
and some of the live action episodes of Rowan Atkinson’s Mr Bean.
The latter features the episodes
The Exam,
On The Beach, The Church, The Department Store,
Restaurant, Royal Film, Hairdressers, Village Fete,
Train Station, The Library, together with the animated
episode In The Pink. Both releases are due on November the 1st.
This years Bottom stage show, entitled Mindless Violence, is
due on November the 29th. All three have an RRP of £19.99.
Universal’s release of Sliders – Season 1 & 2 has been put back to
the 27th December.
Season 3 of
Lost in Space from Twentieth Century Fox has appeared for the 10th of
January 2005. Fox are also re-issuing the Buffy box sets in M-lock
packaging, with Seasons 1-3 showing for the 31st of January. They
have RRPs of £39.99.
Warner Home Video’s big schedule revision E.R. – Complete Season 3
has been put back and will now appear (barring anymore revisions) on the
31st of January.
Club are releasing all the episodes of 1960s cartoon series Batfink
(his wings are like a shield of steel, you know!) on December the 6th. The
box set has an RRP of £22.99.
finally, for Incoming...
now known that a label called Revolver Entertainment is behind the three
disc release of The Richard Pryor Show. Special features for the
set are listed as being for
Volume 1:
never before seen alternate series opening and deleted scenes; Volume 2:
outtakes and improvs, question and answer segment with Richard Pryor,
deleted scene featuring Robin Williams; Volume 3: thirty-seven
minute Richard Pryor "mudbone" monologue, and full, unedited forty-four
minute roast segment. The release has a date of October the 25th and an
RRP of £24.99.
Now, let’s have a look at the update to the
The first
big change is the loss of Benson’s World. For a few moths now I’ve been
aware that Benson’s had been running a second website with higher pricing,
which was more in line with their mail order operation and shops. It seems
they were running in this new site to replace the one we have been using,
as all the pricing has now changed on the old site to those that are on
the new one. Also people that have tried to order with Benson’s this week
through the old site, have been presented with pages from new site as
they’ve got to the payment stage. So, sadly it seems the old site may soon
be no more and the bargains we’ve been experiencing from Benson’s World
are now over. A great shame! Some of their pricing for Network, Acorn and
DD Video titles have been the best around. Still, they must be confident
in their customer base, so good luck to ‘em, but this is one customer who
won’t be migrating to their new site unless they revise their prices!
The main
additions to the page this week have been to Amazon…
Thanks to
Mike W for posting that they have
Brass - Series 1 at
£11.97. There are a few Acorn titles in the form of Bernard Cribbins’ 1981
version of Dangerous Davies – The Last Detective at £7.97; one of
the Father Brown discs – The Hammer of God and other stories
– at £11.97 and Lord Peter Wimsey – Clouds of Witness at £9.97. The
complete series set of Hammer House of Horror is at £17.97 and the
forthcoming Pink Panther – Cartoon Collection is at £22.49. Thanks
to Little Ern for posting that the Monty Python Movies Box Set is
at £13.97, and thanks to Chris for letting us know that the Secret Army
– The Complete Series box set is at £97.49.
on to some Audiobooks. A big thank-you to Sean Marsh for posting that
Beyond Our Ken
- Collector's Edition Series 1
is at £36.00 (£24.00 off!), The Complete Sherlock Holmes CD Box Set
(featuring the superb Clive Merrison and Michael Williams series) at
£108.99 (£72.00 off!) and the
Earthsearch CD Box
at £39.99 (£26.00 off!). Some mighty fine price revisions there! Julian
added during the week The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary
Phase at £9.59, which is the same price being offered for Douglas
Adams at the BBC (a nice dovetailing to take you over Amazon’s new
free P&P ceiling of £19). Some other bargains include Blake's 7 - The
Radio Adventures CD Set at £10.19; Doctor Who at the BBC - Volume 2
at £8.39; Doctor Who - Cybermen CD Tin at £17.99 (£12.00 off!); the
Hancock's Half Hour - The Complete Radio Archive at £150.00
(£100.00 off!); The Paul Temple Radio Archive Collection at £60.00;
and I'm Sorry I Haven't a Christmas Clue at £9.59. All these are
listed and linked in the Amazon section of
the Offers page.
also added Little
Britain – The Complete Scripts Series 1
at £8.99.
finally from me, Sendit have Alistair Cooke’s America at £29.99,
which is £20.00 off the RRP!
Previous Zeta Minor News entries can viewed

