30th August 2007
details of 4 DVD's
To Man With Dean Learner disc, which is released next week, are
now available.
The two-disc set will feature all six
episodes of the series, with extensive bonus material.
Episode-by-episode, the bonus features
Garth Marenghi -
War of the Wasps
with stereo full music mix; War of the Wasps
with 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound mix; War of the Wasps storyboards;
Steve Pising
- Super-8 footage of Dean and Steve on racetrack; Extended
Pising in the Driving Seat; Pising press conference; additional
footage from The Learner; trailer
Glynn Nimron
- Unseen footage of Glynn at the sci-fi convention; deleted
'Bot' scene with audio commentary
Merriman Weir
- Unseen clip from Gallows Man video; Gallows Man
live; Pilot episode; footage of Merriman backstage; trailers
Amir Chanan
- Clip from Deano’s 'After Dark’ party; extended version of
Bathtime with Amir; trailers
Randolph Caer
- Bitch Killer! clip; alternate Inside Face
interview; Full Crab Ball meeting; extended version of Bros Roads;
Dean ‘Talking Crabs’; trailer.
RRP for the set is £19.99. The set will
also be available as a
set with Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, which has an RRP of
Pictures will release a DVD box set featuring seven key fifties SF movies
on October the 1st.
Classic Sci-Fi set features: The Creature From The Black Lagoon,
The Incredible Shrinking Man, This Island Earth,
Tarantula, The Thing From Another World, It Came From Outer
Space, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
No technical details were announced.
The set features a great selection,
certainly - and, at £29.99, it's very attractively priced - but genre fans
will no doubt be disappointed, because most of the films are already
available. Frustratingly, there's still no sign of the much rarer
Universal SF movies released in the two difficult-to-get Best
Buy-exclusive box sets released in the US (which include gems like The
Mole Monsters, Dr Cyclops, The Monolith Monsters, and
The Deadly Mantis).
Ian Beard has very kindly sent me a episode
guide for Granada TV's Crown Court, which you can download
as a Word document. It's a terrific check-list for anyone who's been
watching the series on Legal TV, and it clears up a lot of the confusion
caused by various regional opt-outs, and weeks where no TV Times
was published. If you have any comments or corrections, I'd be happy to
pass them on.
28th August 2007
Oops! I made a bit of a rookie mistake
calculating the aspect ratio of Blue Underground's new Stendhal
Syndrome disc in yesterday's News entry, below (I forgot the
disc was NTSC, not PAL). The correct aspect ratio is 1.67:1. The screen
grabs here have
been corrected (the menu screens haven't!)
27th August 2007
Ceri Laing has reviewed the
recently-released BBC Audiobooks set of The Navy Lark - Series 4 -
Volume 1. You can find his review by clicking on the sleeve image,
left, or here.
Thanks, Ceri!
database continues to be updated regularly. Please visit it, and
please use the affiliated links to order your DVDs. Every sale helps
support this website!
Century Fox Home Entertainment will release
Days Later on DVD on September the 10th.
The film is presented in anamorphic 1.85:1
format, with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio (at 448kbps). The disc also features
an descriptive audio 5.1 track, and English HoH subtitles.
Bonus features are a commentary track, by
Director / Co-writer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and Producer / Co-writer
Enrique Lopez Lavigne; two deleted scenes with optional commentary (5m);
Code Red: Making of 28 Weeks Later (13m); four featurettes (The
Infected, 7m, Getting Into The Action, 7m, 28 Days Later:
The Aftermath: Stage 1 "Development", 8m and 28 Days Later: The
Aftermath: Stage 3 "Decimation"); and a theatrical trailer.
The RRP is £19.99. Menu screens from the
disc can be found
details of Twentieth Century Fox's release of Danny Boyle's
Sunshine are now available (the disc is released today!)
The film is presented in anamorphic 2.35:1
format, with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio (at 448kbps). There's also an
descriptive audio 5.1 track. There are English HoH subtitles.
Bonus features include two commentary
tracks: one by Danny Boyle, the other by Doctor Brian Cox, from the
University of Manchester.
Bonus features include eight deleted scenes
(with optional commentary, 19m); Web Production Diaries (47m); two
short films (Dad's Dead, directed by Chris Shepherd (7m) and
Mole Hills, directed by Dan Arnold (6m); and two trailers.
The disc also features adverts for 24
and Prison Break, trailers for Pathfinder, 28 Weeks
Later and Day Watch; and an advert for Maltesers, which
features The IT Crowd's Katherine Parkinson.
RRP for the disc is £19.99.
HMV has a version with an exclusive sleeve. Menu screens for the disc
can be found here.
I have some information for anyone
wondering about Fremantle's forthcoming DVD release of the 1997 sketch
Know Where You Live (which featured a host of rising stars,
including Simon Pegg, Sanjeev Bhasker OBE, Amanda Holden and Fiona Allen).
The DVD, titled We Know Where You Live
Remix, seems to features seven episodes of the show complete with
opening and closing titles. The episodes run for a total of 166m. I assume
from the title that some editing has taken place (possibly to avoid music
right clearance complications).
Menu screens for Optimum's
Mind Benders DVD can be found
seen a copy of Blue Underground's two-disc Special Edition of Dario
Argento's The Stendhal Syndrome, and can confirm some details for
the set, which is due on sale in the US on September the 25th.
The film is presented in anamorphic
widescreen format, windowboxed to about 1.67:1, re-mastered from the
original Italian 35mm interpositive, under the supervision of
cinematographer Giuseppe Rotunno.
There's a wide choice of audio tracks:
English Dolby Digital Surround 5.1EX (at 448kbps), or DTS 6.1 (at
768kbps), or Dolby Digital 2.0 (at 192kbps). Two Italian language tracks
are offered: a Dolby Surround 5.1 EX version (448kbps), and a 2.0 version
Bonus features are interviews with...
Director: Dario Argento (20m); Inspiration: Psychological
Consultant Grazeilla Magherini (23m); Special Effects: Sergio
Stivaletti (16m); Assistant Director: Luigi Cozzi (22m); and
Production Designer: Massimo Antonello Geleng (23m). The disc also
features a theatrical trailer.
List price for the disc is $29.99. Menu
screens and a couple of example screen grabs from this release can be
found here.
Universal Pictures will release the
original 1955
Invasion of the Body Snatchers on DVD on October the 1st, to co-incide
with the theatrical release of the latest remake, which stars Nicole
RRP for the disc is £9.99. No technical
details were announced. Since this film has a virtually unique framing
specification, I can only imagine the number of ways that Universal might
screw this one up! Here's the groovy sleeve art...
Acorn Media will release the BBC's
eight-part 1971 adaptation of
Last of the Mohicans on DVD on September the 10th.
The adaptation, widely agreed to be one of
the most faithful versions of James Fenimore Cooper's novel, is also
notable for the presence of a very high number of contemporaneous
Doctor Who cast and crew members (including stars Philip Madoc,
Kenneth Ives, Patricia Maynard, and John Abineri, who received an Emmy
nomination for his role). The series was directed by Doctor Who
veteran David Maloney, and featured music by Dudley Simpson.
RRP for the two-disc set is £19.99. Here's
Acorn's sleeve art (which is completely different to the US version, from
Koch Vision).
Last week's Zeta Minor News
can be viewed here.
Previous Zeta Minor News entries can viewed