Danny Boyle
Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Megan Burns, Christopher Eccleston
Survivors of a
devastating plague band together and fight off zombies.
Alex Garland refers to this film on the disc's commentary track as
"pure genre", which is presumably code for "ripped off shamelessly",
since the film very closely parallels John Wyndham's science-fiction
classic The Day of the Triffids, with other elements borrowed from
Terry Nation's memorable mid-70s BBC TV series Survivors and
Richard Matheson's 1954 novel I Am Legend (filmed in 1964 as L'Ultimo
Uomo della Terra (The Last Man on Earth), and again in 1971, as
The Omega Man). Garland curiously doesn't mention these (although
he does later give a nod to George Romero's zombie movies, and to the
French plantation scene in Apocalypse Now Redux), but he does
immediately pinpoint the one thing that sets the film apart from these
inspirations: Danny Boyle's energising, innovation direction. Boyle's film
impressively conveys London streets ravaged by an apocalyptic event, and
the disorientation of a protagonist (Batman Begins' Murphy) who wakes up after a cycling
accident to find his world has gone to hell in a hand basket. About of a
third of the way through the film loses impetus. Boyle simply seems to run
out of inspiration, and the film plods on for another hour before it
reaches its formulaic conclusion.
film had a budget reported to be around ten million pounds, and most of it
was shot on digital video (on $5000 Canon XL1 cameras, if you're
interested). The DVD version (which, like
Little Eye, was transferred from film elements) looks pretty
grotty, but it's difficult to ascertain to what degree this is a precise
representation of the director's intention, or how accurately this
replicates the theatrical look of the film. There are certainly many
indications that the appearance of the film on DVD is marred by flaws that
have been introduced in the transfer to disc, though. The image is
blighted by almost constant digital video noise reduction (DVNR) blurring,
or MPEG compression artefacts, which give the patches of the image a
characteristic "floating" quality. The image is also compromised
by excessive edge-enhancement, which is particularly evident early in the
film, on the striking shots of London architecture. There are also
problems with inconstant black density. The film is presented in
anamorphic widescreen, with an aspect ratio of 1.85:1. Average bitrate is
The film has an
aggressive Dolby Digital 5.1 mix (at 448kbps) which certainly boosts its
adrenaline factor considerably. There are several scenes, though, where
the dialogue isn't well-integrated (particularly some of Christopher
Eccleston's early scenes, for example). This is probably attributable to
ADR looping.
film is supported by a wealth of bonus features, including a very good
commentary track by director and writer, who carefully describe how
various scenes were tackled, and how the film was often changed to accommodate
circumstances beyond their control. Boyle also explains a few underlying
concepts that aren't fully explained in the film (that the zombies are
particularly attracted by the tone of the human voice, for example). Boyle
also notes that, although a lot of sound and fury accompanies the zombie
attacks (and there's certainly a lot of claret splashing around), there's
very little violence explicitly depicted. One of the most interesting
topics is how the filmmakers enhanced the ending of the film after
receiving a fresh injection of cash from their distributor, Fox.
The film's ending is
revisited in the alternate and deleted scenes section, which contains
eight scenes totalling about a quarter of an hour (there's no "play
all" option). These are presented in full-frame format, in their raw
state (a couple of scenes show numerous cars on the road, which would have
been digitally removed later). The scenes include a sequence set inside an
abandoned light railway train (dropped because it was too obvious that
it was raining outside - contradicting one of the film's plot
contrivances); more shots of the empty streets of London, and additional
scenes showing the zombie attack on the mansion house (including one which gives
Christopher Eccleston's character an underlining moment of ruthlessness).
The audio is out of sync on one of the scenes ("Taxi / Sweden"),
which should have been corrected (oddly, it seems to be okay on the
version playing underneath the optional commentary track). The alternative
ending is similar to the version in the film, except that one of the main
characters is absent (this diversion is covered by one of the deleted
a more elaborate alternate ending, nicknamed the "Radical Alternative
Ending", presented in storyboard format, which would have replaced
the last third of the theatrical version of the movie, and ultimately
returned the film to where it began. This lasts for about ten minutes, and
is presented with Boyle acting the dialogue, and Garland reading his
scripted directions. The storyboards are quite detailed, and the
relatively elaborate presentation makes it well worth watching. It's easy
to overlook this section, since the menu option is not obvious. Towards
the end Boyle acknowledges that they hit a plot problem with this version
of the script which they weren't able to resolve, and the rest of the
story is sketched out in thumbnail format. It's a fascinating deviation
from the filmed version, and would have changed the pacing and tone of the
ending considerably.
disc contains the apparently mandatory promotional documentary, Pure
Rage: The Making of 28 Days Later (25m), which assesses in broad terms
how realistic the film's premise might be. Worryingly, the scientists
interviewed agree that a pandemic virus similar to that depicted in the
film is almost inevitable.
Various members of the
cast and crew are featured in the documentary, and there's a smattering of
behind the scenes material, but this shouldn't be mistaken for an in-depth
look at the making of the film. The documentary is presented in
non-anamorphic widescreen format.
Two stills galleries
are provided, accompanied by comments from Danny Boyle. The first is of
production stills shot by Peter Mountain (18m). On-set photography is
something of a dying art, and many, many films are now promoted using
photo's of unbelievably poor quality. Mountain's photographs are
exemplary, and were probably good enough to be
exhibited apart from the film (many of them seem to tell their own story).
Boyle's commentary identifies each location, describes what's going on,
and acknowledges the value of having a good stills photographer. The
second gallery is of continuity, make-up and costume Polaroids (4m). Boyle
notes that the use of Polaroid snapshots, a long-established tool of film
production companies, used to keep a handy record of a character's wardrobe
or make-up changes, is coming to an end, and that digital photography is quickly
taking over. Stills galleries are often added to a disc because they're
cheap, easy to source and let the marketing people add another bullet
point to the features list on the back of the box. That's simply not the
case here: the 28 Days Later galleries
are a valuable addition to the DVD.
Marketing section of the DVD includes two theatrical trailers (the
1'30" teaser trailer and the full trailer, both of which use tiny
flashes of shots from the film to fill in the story of what happened in
the 28 days that the film itself skips over). The infection period is also
conveyed by an animated trailer that originally appeared on the film's UK
website. This is presented as a small image in the middle of the screen,
and it's a shame it couldn't have been shown more clearly. A Jacknife Lee
music video (with 2.0 audio at 192kbps), which basically condenses the
entire film into six minutes, is also offered. When you start the disc,
trailers for The Transporter, Steven Soderbergh's remake of
Daredevil, Bulletproof Monk and the forthcoming Peter Weir /
Russell Crowe adventure film Master and Commander are presented.
These can be skipped using the "menu" button, but there's no
option to access them separately later.
The feature,
commentary track and other supplements have optional English subtitles.
Fox's 28 Days Later
disc provides much to entertain and inform fans of the film, and an
entertaining enough, thought-provoking, post-apocalyptic zombie film for
those who aren't entirely won over by its charms. It does seem, though,
that the picture quality of the film has been compromised by the inclusion
of the bountiful bonus material, which probably deserved a second disc of
its own.