Steven Soderbergh
George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies
Steven Soderbergh's
adaptation of Polish author Stanislaw Lem's seminal 1961 science fiction
novel Solaris is an atypical Hollywood remake of a classic
foreign movie (the 1972 adaptation directed by Andrei Tarkovsky). The
remake is certainly punchier than the original movie, but many of the core ideas -
Lem's thought-provoking concepts - survive. It's not surprising, then,
that the film made back about a third of its $50m budget during its
domestic release.
film, about a man (Clooney, broadening his range) who is sent to a remote
space station to investigate a communications breakdown, and the
disappearance of a rescue mission, is about one third a hardcore science
fiction (somewhat similar in tone to Event Horizon), and two-thirds
traditional boy-meets-girl, boy-loses-girl romance. Actually, there's one
genre it falls into almost perfectly, but it's not one that's acknowledged
by the filmmakers (at least, not on the DVD). Solaris is a classic
ghost story, very much in the grand tradition of M.R. James.
The film is faithful
to the essentials of Lem's book, and takes what it needs from Tarkovsky's
film version, but is still unmistakably has work if the same director as The
Limey and Out of Sight. It also continues the fine tradition of
bold science fiction projects tackled by 20th Century Fox, whose credits
include Star Wars, Alien, The
Abyss, Planet of the Apes, Zardoz
and Fantastic Voyage.
Fox's Region 2 DVD
presents the film in 2.35:1 anamorphic ratio, with 5.1 Dolby Digital sound
(at 448kbps). The average bitrate is 5.96Mb/s. Picture quality is
generally fine, although there are frequent signs of edge enhancement. The
lighting is generally low-level (even on the space ship - this isn't 2001: A Space
Odyssey), which naturally leads to slight graininess, but
it's well within normal levels. Colour balance is conceptually unnatural,
but flesh tones usually look fine, given the lighting conditions.
film's audio mix is very subtle, and expertly crafted. There's little
action, but this isn't a mix that needs to be boisterous. Sound is
used sparingly, and often very effectively (a
"white noise" sequence near the end of the film, for example).
Special mention should be made of Cliff Martinez's eerie, penetrating
score, which is frequently given prominence in the mix, adds atmosphere and
helps the film
The disc comes with a
modest array of bonus materials (modest by Fox's standards, anyway). You
can't blame the company for being cautious, given the film's dire box
office takings, and largely indifferent reviews, but as you listen to the
disc's commentary track, you'll quickly realise that you're not being made privy
to even a fraction of the whole story.
commentary track is by Soderbergh (an old hand at these, having
contributed them to several discs now) and one of the film's producers,
James Cameron. You may have heard of him. The commentary is very
rewarding. There's a natural chemistry between the two filmmakers, and the
conversation flows very naturally. The rights to the novel were purchased
by Cameron, who, presumably, originally intended to direct the film
himself. He hadn't counted on Soderbergh, though, who contacted Cameron,
and pitched his own ideas for the film. Cameron decided that he'd rather
see Soderbergh's version of the film than the one he had in mind, so
Soderbergh got the job! Once that decision had been made, it seems that
Cameron was very happy to give Soderbergh a free hand to make the
film as he wanted, offering advice only where it was requested.
commentary covers a lot of ground: Soderbergh discusses his
general method of working (basically, he keeps trimming material until the film stops
working); Cameron regrets the way the film was let down by a rushed
marketing campaign that never really got to grips with the film; and both
agree that elements of the film are vague enough for viewers to interpret
it in ways that weren't intended by the filmmakers. For example, in one
scene early in the film Clooney and McElhone's characters briefly meet on
a train. Someone decided that McElhone should be carrying something -
anything - so Soderbergh sent McElhone to the prop store. She returned with a doorknob, leading some critics to read far
more into her choice than was intended. (Soderbergh says he was delighted
that the doorknob had a certain degree of resonance with the film's
themes, and that it may suggest something to the audience, but basically
says that sometimes a doorknob is just a doorknob).
Although the
commentary is in of itself satisfying, viewers may end up disappointed
that a lot of time is spent discussing deleted material that's not on the
DVD. It seems for every scene an alternate version was planned or was
actually shot. They agree that, one day, it would be nice to make some of
this material available, but perhaps not just yet: not while their wounds
are still raw. If the film had been a blockbuster, no doubt we'd be
looking at one of Fox's lavish two-disc Special Editions.
are two short documentaries on the disc: the HBO Special - Inside
Solaris (13m) and Solaris - Behind The Planet (18m). Both
documentaries offer the usual mix of behind the scenes footage, on-set
interviews and clips. Inside
Solaris is marginally better than the usual promotional puff
piece (it contains some nice stuff with Clooney goofing around between
takes, for example). Behind the Planet is more comprehensive,
covering things like the creation of the film's impressive sets. It also
includes audition tapes for some of the actors, and a fair bit of material
showing the director blocking shots and coaching his actors.
The disc also contains
a late draft of the screenplay, in text format.
When the disc loads,
the first thing the viewer sees is eight minutes of unrelated promotional
trailers, for Phone Booth, Antwone Fisher,
X-Men 2 and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. These can
be skipped, by fast-forwarding, or by using the 'Menu' button, but once
you get into the disc’s animated menus, there’s no way to access them
again without re-starting the disc (or accessing them manually).
of the film, or viewers who are interested in trying something more
challenging than the average studio fodder, should enjoy the Solaris
disc a great deal, especially if they have the time to absorb the
supplementary materials.
Science fiction snobs, especially
those who were put off by Clooney's presence, should give Soderbergh's
film a try. It may not be the equal of Tarkovsky's two-and-a-half hour
masterpiece, but it's a damn good ninety-five minute distillation! |