by Matthew Lee © 2005
Originally Broadcast:
September 6th – November 29th, 1987
Transmission Times:
7:45pm to

Written by
Raymond Thompson
“They all seem to want continuity of supply. If I’m going
to guarantee one I’m going to have to find a new designer – fast”.
At Genavco Air Limited in Tarrant, Sir Edward Frere arrives
by privately chartered jet and is greeted by Sir John Stevens. When Sir
John asks if he has returned for business or personal matters, Sir Edward
coyly responds that both require his attention.
Tom and Leo enjoy an early morning sail, during which the
former expresses his apprehension ahead of the forthcoming boat show. Leo
assures his that he shouldn’t be, as Barracuda will be one of the
stars of the show, and that Lynne’s solo crossing of the Atlantic will
generate further press. Tom expresses his regrets that his daughter cannot
join them at the show.
Jan visits Plummers department store, which is proudly
displaying the Claude Dupont range. Later, she meets with the Brand
Manager to discuss future commissions, and whilst she is impressed with
the designs, when she expresses a desire to acquire the second line, Jan
must reluctantly confess that there will be no further designs produced
after this final consignment. The Brand Manager reveals that, should Jan
be unable to produce a larger quantity of designs, Periplus will
lose their contract.
At Leisurecruise, Ken boasts of his business acumen
and prowess in securing the attendance of notable contacts at the
forthcoming boat show to Sarah Foster. She questions the unorthodox manner
in which he is cultivating future exhibition and sales contacts, but Ken
remains unswayed. When Ken makes another shameless pass at her, his timing
is far from perfect as Mark returns to the office and witnesses his
romantic endeavours.
At Periplus, Polly is splashing out on a wide range
of Claude Dupont designs. She discusses Jan’s current problems (namely the
lack of a designer) and Lynne’s decision to teach sailing in the
Mediterranean with Kate, who is far more sympathetic regarding her
daughter’s plight than Polly.
Avril arrives at Relton Marine to find Charles Frere
inspection the moudling and design operations currently underway. She is
far from pleased, as she was under the impression that her appointment as
Managing Director would be unencumbered rather than hampered by his
constant intervention. They have a tense exchange of words, during which
Avril expresses her reservations and Charles claims merely to be
inspecting the site as background ahead of her report. He implies that,
from what he has seen, changes are required, and Avril reacts defensively.
En route to Highfield, Sir Edward discusses making
appointments to meet with Councillor Davis and Viscount Lord Cunningham,
the latter of whom he identifies as a member of the local planning
committee, to Sir John. When Sir John presses him for an explanation as to
his plans, Sir Edward is deliberately evasive.
At the Mermaid Yard, Jack returns from a meeting with the
Simpsons (from whom he was due to accept a commission for refit work on a
yacht) and angrily reveals to Bill Sayers that this is the fourth
cancellation for work they have endured since the catamaran disaster. In
the site office, he exchanges barbs with Leo before the latter reluctantly
presents him with a magazine article entitled “Catamaran Disaster:
Speculation Continues To Grow”. The pair contemplate how the article
will affect business, and Barracuda’s forthcoming launch.
Charles meets with Gerald outside the Dean and Dyball
Construction Office on the proposed marina development site. Gerald
reveals there is a minor delay in the development of the marina basin, and
Charles is far from impressed. They decide to have lunch with the site
manager so that those responsible can account for themselves. After the
meeting with Eric Cummings, Charles is assured that within two weeks the
development will be finalised. He later instructs Gerald to ensure that
the opening of the marina coincides with the business park development.
Gerald is surprised at this instruction, as he has not been made aware of
Charles’ plans; Charles instructs Gerald to ensure that Cummings and the
architects experience no further delays, and reveals that he will issue
Gerald with the relevant paperwork after a meeting with potential
investors that evening.
At Periplus, Jan reveals that she needs to secure
the services of a new designer as quickly as possible. Whilst Kate helps
her daughter by arranging interviews for a new sales assistant, she is
somewhat preoccupied ahead of her moving house.
Tom returns from the boat show and reveals to Jack that the
damaging magazine article is having a widespread impact on the Mermaid
Yard’s business prospects. Jack advises that now Avril is at Relton
Marine, he needs to treat her with the utmost care in order to ensure the
Barracuda launch remains on course.
That afternoon, as Jan prepares to meet a representative
from the bank, she discusses a letter Leo has received from Abby regarding
William and Orrin.
Meanwhile, Polly and Gerald clash over his increasing
workload, and she is far from impressed when he suggests she take up paid
employment to keep herself occupied.
Over dinner, Avril and Tom discuss the article in Yachting
News and its impact on the Yard. She reveals she is lunching with Frere
the following day, to discuss her recommendations for Relton’s future
direction, and that she may not be able to prevent him from withdrawing
Barracuda from the market until the negative publicity arising from
the catamaran disaster subsides.
Leo attends a party with a variety of sailing friends,
during which he encounters the beautiful Amanda Parker. Jack and Kate
enjoy a drink at the Tarrant Yacht Club, and she reveals that she has made
one last bet before her life changes forever, and enjoyed a healthy win as
a result.
The projected sales forecasts Jan presents to the bank’s
representative, Mr Peterson, far from impress the man in question,
particularly after she reveals she requires a further
one-hundred-and-fifty-thousand pounds. She explains that by limiting her
operations purely to design, she is constantly at the mercy of all the
retail outlets. She proposes opening her own outlets, a chain of
boutiques, but when Peterson raises the issue of whether or not she has
obtained Ken Masters’ support for the venture, she reveals that it is
about time that she traded unencumbered, particularly if she wants to
expand: she proposes buying own Ken’s minority share.
At the party, when Amanda believes Leo is a killjoy for not
enjoying a drink, she throws him into the swimming pool. Drenched, he
emerges and in turn throws her in himself before leaving the party,
suitably pleased with himself.
At Leisurecruise, Ken concludes a telephone
conversation with Robert McIntyre and excitedly reveals to Sarah and Mark
that he has a secured a lunch appointment with the influential
businessman. Mark expresses reservations that McIntyre is already
negotiation with Relton, but Sarah and Ken believe that they can secure
the contract for the Seafire franchise themselves. Sarah tries to
convince her husband that Leisurecruise has the facilities, but Mark is
concerned that their practices would be unethical, and the meeting ends
Charles asks Gerald to investigate John Ingram, a member of
the Dean and Hickson Group in the City, after his successful dinner the
previous evening. He reveals that he represents a consortium which has
expressed interest in investing in the business park development, and he
presents Gerald with a detailed prospectus and proposal documentation for
the cultivation of an eight-hundred-acre plot of land. He reveals that
Ingram was too readily armed with the benefits the development would have
to Frere Holdings’ trading position, and that he wants to ascertain who
else and what else Ingram has been associated with.
At the Howards’, Kate’s move has been successfully
completed and she is slowly settling in to her new surroundings.
On board his yacht, Charles casts an eye over a Chester’s
Old Master Paintings catalogue ahead of an auction he plans to attend in
London. One particular painting catches his eye as he is joined by Avril
for their lunch appointment. They discuss her plans to diversification,
but Charles concentrates on the adverse publicity surrounding the Mermaid
Yard and the damaging sales impact on Barracuda’s launch. Charles
implies that she has his support for the moment, but that he will now
allow Relton to be associated with a loser, and that if the bad publicity
continues, the vessel will be withdrawn from sale.
At the Yacht Club, Ken and Sarah enjoy a drink ahead of
their meeting with Robert McIntyre.
At the Mermaid Yard, Tom assesses the company’s cash flow
before a meeting with Laurie Meadows to discuss their financial
arrangements with the bank. He reveals to Jack that the firm could be on
the brink of a serious problem, but Jack does not agree. He believes that
they will overcome these obstacles, and that Tom will be cleared at the
coroner’s inquest. When Tom expresses concerns that Barracuda could
be withdrawn from the market, Jack waves them aside believing that Avril
would never let it happen. Their meeting is interrupted by a telephone
call from Colin Linsdale at the boat show: advanced orders for
Barracuda have been cancelled, and other enquiries have fallen away.
At Highfield, Sir Edward and Sir John advises Sir John
Stevens to sever his connections with Frere Holdings as the latter may
otherwise find himself in a conflict of interests. He reveals to Sir John
that his plans involve his son’s company without a doubt.
At the London auction room, Lot 112 is presented to those
in attendance (including Charles Frere): a landscape circa 1790 which has
attracted telephone bids and a full house. As the bidding reaches
one-hundred-and-ninety-thousand pounds, Gerald arrives and quietly
discusses news of his investigation into John Ingram: he assures Charles
that Ingram is legitimate, and Frere ruminates that someone has been
leaking information. As a two-hundred-and-five-thousand-pound telephone
bid is made against Charles for the painting, the pair speculate as to his
rival for the work of art. When Gerald asks Charles who else knew about
the business park, Charles informs him that only Sir John Stevens was
aware of his plans. Gerald cannot believe what is being implied, but
Charles insists that “If it is Stevens, there’s only one person to whom he
would leak information …”. When Charles is defeated in his bidding war,
the picture is sold for two-hundred-and-twenty-five-thousand pounds, and
the identity of the telephone bid is revealed as being Sir Edward Frere.
When Gerald voices his surprise as “Your father?”, Charles responds in
resignation: “Who else?”.
With Fraser Kerr (Robert McIntyre), Alan Mock (Adam
Greenwood), Georgina Coombs (Beth Drysdale), Stephen Flynn (Simon
Peterson), Peter Richards (Tim Edwards), Tony Ryan (Eric Cummings) and
James Hayes (The Auctioneer). |

by Raymond
Sir Edward Frere:
“If we
joined forces and worked together, you could inherit it all one day”.
Charles Frere:
“I don’t
need it, Father. I’m building my own business”.
Sir Edward Frere:
setting yourself up as competition”.
In Southampton, Tom and Jack
attend the hearing at the Coroner’s Court, and both are nervous as to the
Meanwhile, Bill is left to
field telephone calls from the press at the Mermaid Yard. As he gives Leo
instructions for the day’s work, their meeting is interrupted when Amanda
pays him an impromptu visit.
At Leisurecruise,
preparations are underway for a surprise visit from Robert McIntyre. When
Ken, Sarah and Mark later meet with him to discuss the potential of a
joint venture, Sarah is unimpressed with her husband’s lack of enthusiasm.
At The Jolly Sailor,
Ken highlights the possibilities of trade shows and the like (in
partnership with McIntyre), and presents a strong sales forecast and
potential. McIntyre expresses the desire for them to inspect his
operations centre.
At Relton Marine, Avril is
surprised when Gerald meets with her in place of Charles, who has been
“unavoidably detained”. They engage in a degree of verbal fencing as she
endeavours to ascertain Charles’ interest in her proposals. Charles is
summoned to Highfield see his father, Sir Edward, and is invited to join
the family business, Nielson Holdings. He declines.
Jan pays a visit to a local
design enterprise to meet with Anna Lee, a promising Chinese design
student whom she believes may fill the void left by Claude Dupont. So
impressed is she with Anna’s designs that she readily offers her a
position in her organisation.
At Periplus, Kate,
realising Polly is depressed, tries to offer help but is rebuffed.
Tom and Jack return from the
Coroner’s Court, both in poor spirits: an open verdict pending a marine
surveyor’s enquiry was delivered, much to Bill’s disbelief.
Later, over lunch, Tom
discusses the situation with Jan. They also discuss going ahead with their
divorce proceedings.
Polly hires an interior
designer colleague to update her home’s décor; bored, she is seeking an
outlet of her own, rather than doting on the increasingly busy Gerald.
At Frere Holdings, Gerald
arrives as Charles is concluding a telephone conversation regarding the
unexpected return of his father in Tarrant. They discuss his views
regarding Relton’s future under Avril’s stewardship, but Charles is
clearly disturbed by his father’s return “on business”. He orders Gerald
to find out what he can over dinner with Viscount Lord Cunningham. When
Gerald reveals he had planned to take Polly out to dinner, Charles tells
him to cancel it in favour of this more important arrangement. When he
telephones Polly to cancel their dinner date, she resigns herself to being
relegated in his order of proprieties.
Tom meets Avril at Relton
Marine, and they arrange to have dinner together at her new home that
evening. When he gives her a kiss on the cheek before leaving, her lack of
reciprocation concerns him.
At the Mermaid Yard, Jack
reassures Bill that the jobs of the workers are secure – for now.
Amanda, having claimed
earlier in the day that her parents had requested her to collect and sail
a yacht from the marina to their home, lies to Leo and, in his company,
steals a vessel which does not belong to her family and sails out on the
harbour with it.
That evening, Kate and Jan
discuss the divorce proceedings. After dinner, Tom and Avril discuss the
fortunes of the Mermaid Yard, but their conversation inevitably turns to
their own fortunes; Tom forces her to admit their relationship is over.
Leo is surprised when the
water police come alongside the vessel he and Amanda are enjoying a sail
upon, and realises that she has lied to him.
That evening, Polly and
Gerald have a row over his business pressures, her lack of support, and
the diverging paths their lives have taken of late. When Gerald implies
that he has worries of his own which he is unable to share with her, Polly
ruminates on it being a reflection on the state of their marriage.
Tom and Jack attend an
early-morning appointment at the bank.
Meanwhile, at
Leisurecruise, Sarah attempts to mend fences with Mark whilst Jan pays
Ken a visit. She reveals her intention to open a chain of boutiques, and
asks for Ken to sell his share to her. Ken is sceptical, citing the fact
that a chain is a far cry from the one Periplus boutique she
currently manages. Ken is evasive on the question of selling his minority
share, claiming he did not invest in a boutique – he invested in her.
Their meeting is interrupted by Sarah, and,
after Jan leaves, she implies that Ken might be re-cultivating
a relationship with him. Ken tries his hand at seduction, but Sarah is far
from convinced that he only has eyes for her.
At the Mermaid Yard, Tom and
Jack return from a bad meeting with the bank, who have refused further
credit. They have a bitter exchange over Tom’s suggestion that the
overdraft can be reduced by retrenching some of the workforce, with Jack
adamant he will not fire people who have been loyal to both himself and
the Yard over the years. On the last-in, first-out principle, it is with
reluctance that Tom has to sack Leo as the first casualty in his offensive
against the bank.
At Frere Holdings, Charles
reads an article entitled “Catamaran Disaster: Coroner’s Verdict”
and immediately dictates a memorandum to Relton Marine and Avril Rolfe,
the subject of which is Barracuda: “Further to our meetings and
subsequent discussions concerning the catamaran designed by Tom Howard, I
am writing to advise you that in view of recent adverse publicity and the
Coroner’s verdict, I feel it is essential that – no, correction – I feel
Relton has no other option but to protect its commercial interests and
withdraw Barracuda from the market forthwith, pending the marine
surveyor’s enquiry. Yours etcetera etcetera. Copies please to Company
Secretary, solicitor and file”. As he concludes the dictation, Gerald
arrives late for the morning meeting, apologising for the delay and
explaining that a domestic problem contributed to him being held up. When
Charles presses him on the subject, Gerald assures him that his personal
problems will not affect his commitment to his business dealings. Charles
instructs Gerald to make arrangements to meet with Werner Grunwald, the
man represententing the consortium keen to invest in the business park,
whom Charles believes may throw light on his father’s possible
At Highfield, Sir Edward
pensively admires the portrait he succeeded in out-bidding his son for. He
shakes his head as he ruminates over the purchase, and then crosses his
study to silently cast an eye over the estate.
With Fraser Kerr (Robert
McIntyre) and Lindsey Brook (Sandra Hay). |

Written by
Jeremy Burnham
“I know it must
look as if I’m stabbing you in the back, Tom, but I have to stand by
Charles’ decision and he does have a point. If there’s a question mark
over you, there’s a question mark over Barracuda and I have to safeguard
Relton’s reputation”.
Ken and Robert McIntyre
enjoy a high-speed test-sail of Seafire, the vessel
Leisurecruise are keen to exploit. Ken is decidedly impressed, and
Sarah believes they may be on to a winner, but Mark is far from convinced.
McIntyre confirms that the company have secured a deal, as he believes
Leisurecruise have the edge over Relton in terms of being able to
increase sales of the vessel.
Does Your Boat Need A New
Coat For The Summer? heads the sales pamphlets Leo has had printed for
his new business venture: the refurbishment and repainting of small
vessels. He discusses the new venture with Kate and Jan over breakfast,
and is quietly confident of its success. They also discuss his parent’s
divorce proceedings, and the fact that Jan is due to meet Mr Lee (Anna’s
father) to discuss his daughter’s contract with her. When they later meet
to discuss the situation at the Design House, it is a tense discussion in
which Jan insists that Anna could become one of Britain’s top designers,
but Mr Lee does not believe that he should finance her studies so that she
can work for another organisation. Jan implies that whilst she has her own
manufacturing operations in place, she would be more than happy to discuss
distribution options, which intrigues him.
Gerald confronts Polly
regarding to lavish expenditure of late. Their discussion is cut short
when he receives a telephone call from a Doctor Reynolds, the name of whom
means nothing to the latter but reaps a grave expression from the former.
As Polly watches on, Gerald is visibly shaken after his telephone
conversation, during which he is informed that there is “no chance of
remission” for someone he clearly knows. When she presses him as to the
person’s identity, a shocked Gerald leaves without uttering a word.
At the Mermaid Yard, news of
Charles Frere’s memorandum reaches Tom and Jack, the former of whom
believes Frere is trying to sabotage his design reputation because of his
relationship with Avril. Frere meets Werner Grunwald and they discuss the
consortium; he is interested in a one-third stake but wants to know the
names of the others involved. At the end of their meeting, he instructs
Gerald to ascertain the identity of the parties hiding behind the nominee
companies as he does not trust Grunwald, despite Ingram’s recommendations
over his soundness.
At Relton Marine, Tom pays
Avril a visit to discuss her support of Charles’ decision to withdraw
Barracuda from the marketplace. He accuses Frere of waging a personal
vendetta against him, and expresses the pressure placed on the Yard as a
result of the decision.
Leo returns home to find
Amanda waiting for him. Whilst he is sceptical of her motives, he accepts
a boat refit commission from her. Mark angrily clashes with Sarah and Ken
at Leisurecruise, claiming McIntyre’s vessels are not leisure
cruisers but mass-produced assembly line crafts. Whilst Sarah implies the
company needs to move down-market to ensure a greater level of profit, but
Mark believes they will also be lowering their standards. Despite a joint
charm offensive from the pair of them, Mark remains un-swayed.
When he leaves them to their own devices, they speculate on his suspicions
over their affair; Sarah wants it all out in the open, but Ken is adamant
that they must keep quiet.
At Periplus, Kate
informs Jan that should the bank provide opposition to her proposed
expansion, there are other sources. She hands her daughter a copy of the
local newspaper, highlight a story headlined “Venture Capital Fund For
Local Industry, Sir Edward Frere Backs Private Enterprise”.
Leo inspects the Westerly
Griffon, the yacht Amanda claims requires re-varnishing
(when it is patently obvious that it does not). They flirt on board the
vessel as they discuss his first commission.
At Highfield, Sir Edward
asks Sir John if he has informed Charles that he is no longer acting in
the best interests of Frere Holdings. Sir John claims to be awaiting the
right moment, and Edward cautions him not to leave it too long. He asks
Sir John to secure a loan for his investment in private enterprise in
Tarrant, conditional on the loan being half a percent over inter-bank
rates (much to Sir John’s surprise). Sir Edward reveals that he plans to
present a million-pound private venture capital fund to the local business
of Tarrant, offering quarter-of-a-million-pound loans to promising
enterprises. When Sir John immediately points out that he will have the
local authority “eating out of his hand” as a result, Sir Edward feigns
ignorance of the benefits of such a scheme.
At The Jolly Sailor,
Jack and Kate mull over Avril’s support of Relton’s hard line concerning
the Barracuda, and Jack is at a loss to explain her motives. After a tense
board meeting at Relton, Charles angrily confronts Avril over Colin
Linsdale’s apparent incompetence at not having secured the McIntyre deal.
Avril reacts defensively and offers her own resignation to Charles. He
refuses to accept it, countering by instructing her to establish a
management team in which he has the confidence to inject further capital
investment. Their exchange is interrupted by a call from Gerald, who
reveals that the investors in the consortium are protected by a number of
offshore shelters, consisting of former politicians and rich expatriates –
legitimate and of no particular interest. He identifies the fact that Sir
Edward has previously invested in three of the companies in the group, and
Charles speculates that his money may still be circulating in the
At the Mermaid Yard, Tom
receives word from his solicitor, Tony, that his appeal against the
inquest decision has been rejected; he is unable to examine the wreckage
until after the surveyors’ report has been finalised, and as such has no
grounds to defend himself against accusations of incompetence.
Unable to pay for his
accommodation at The Jolly Sailor, Tom reveals to Jack that he
intends to move into the “paint locker”, the barge below the Mermaid
At Leisurecruise, Ken
telephones Jan to discuss her proposal, and reveals that he intends to
retain his stake in her business as he believes that she is going places.
Displeased, she informs him that his investment may not be paying
dividends for much longer. At the end of their conversation, Jan once
again consults the newspaper article. Charles pays a second visit to his
father, but when he allows Werner Grunwald’s name to slip into the
conversation, Sir Edward feigns ignorance and denies any involvement in
the consortium. Charles refers to Gomez Trust, Pax New Overseas Services
and Lavinia International in the conversation, and whilst his father
acknowledges that he’s “done his homework”, he continues to deny an
association with the business park development.
Gerald arrives home to find
that Polly has been indulging in more lavish expenditure, on this occasion
having purchased an expensive new dinner service. Frustrated with her
materialism, he smashes a vase into the fireplace and Polly, shocked at
his behaviour, presses him for an explanation. He refuses to discuss the
situation with her, but implies that one day he may be able to open up to
Charles pays Avril a visit
at her new home, and presents her with a Chegall portrait as a
housewarming present. Whilst the pair reminisce about their past, Avril
asks why he really came to see her, and he explains the tense personal and
professional history of the rivalry with his father.
At the Mermaid Yard, Jack
tries to stave off the bank by detailing the extent of their cost-cutting
measures and exercises, and succeeds
in them granting an extension to the company’s credit line. Pleased with
his efforts, he discusses this latest turn of events with Bill, and also
reveals that he has been contacted by a retired Admiral who may have a
possible commission for a wooden boat. Jack believes that Caroline
Davis-Seagram must have recommended the Yard.
As Leo finalises the
revarnishing on Amanda’s yacht, she meets with him at the marina and
suggests they go out for an evening on the dry ski slope outside Tarrant.
Later, they continue their
flirtation as they outpace each other on the slopes of the Southampton Ski
Centre. Later, when they return to Tarrant, they exchange a brief kiss as
their relationship develops.
Anna Lee arrives at the
Design House to start her first day working for Jan, the latter of whom is
delighted to see her. Jan outlines her plans to secure increased funding
for the company, and implies that her designs and talent may well
contribute to the successful acquisition of this funding.
Charles invites Avril to
meet Grunwald so she can give him a second opinion about the lawyer. She
thinks Charles is being paranoid.
Jack escorts Admiral Redfern
around the various Mermaid Yard vessels moored at the marina, the former
highlighting the capabilities of the firm to the latter, who expresses
that he is moderately impressed, and may consider a commission on the
provision that there were no delays in completion. When Jack implies that
Ms Davis-Seagram recommended the Yard to him, he coyly admits that she was
not the party responsible. He immediately changes the subject and
discusses Tom Howard, his aircraft design history and what made him think
he could design boats. Whilst Jack highlights the positives of
Barracuda, the Admiral raises the subject of the catamaran accident
and lets slip that it has given his mother-in-law cause for concern; Jack
is surprised that the Admiral knows Kate, and Redfern reveals they were
close before the war, when she was known as Kate Wilder. Avril and Charles
meet with Werner Grunwald, and whilst Charles is reassured that the
“package” is sound, he has reservations over his father’s possible
connection in the proposed development. When he challenges Grunwald as to
whether he knows Sir Edward, the Swiss businessman is evasive. Despite
Avril’s methods of persuasion, he reveals he is not in a position to
confirm or deny whether Frere’s father has invested in the consortium.
Leo pays Tom a visit at the
Mermaid Office at which he presently resides, and finds his father
disheveled, unshaven and drinking heavily. Whilst he claims he has not
been sleeping well owing to worries arising from the catamaran accident,
Leo implies that perhaps Avril is on his mind. He expresses his concern
that Tom is facing his problems on his own, and offers his support should
he need it.
Returning home that evening,
Jan discusses Anna’s first day at the Design House with Kate. She is
hopeful that the presentation of Anna’s designs to Sir Edward may secure
the financial support she requires, but she still harbours doubts as to
whether or not Ken’s reluctance to sell his stake in the company could
jeopardise her expansion plans.
Jack meets Admiral Redfern
at the Yacht Club to further discuss the potential commission for a boat,
and whilst the former tries to bluff his way into pressuring Redfern into
a commitment, the latter is only too aware of the financial pressure upon
the Yard with the forthcoming court case and the question marks hanging
over Tom’s capabilities, and he reluctantly declines the offer of a
commission – even after Jack suggests a substantial discount to secure the
Charles reveals to Avril
that if his father is involved with the consortium, it would be a
deal-breaker, despite her claims that he is merely being paranoid. She
claims that, far from considering his father as a rival, she believes he
is still seeking Sir Edward’s seal of approval.
At Highfield, Sir Edward and
Sir John enjoy a whisky as they celebrate the former having secured the
million-pound loan from the former’s bank under the terms and conditions
he required. Sir Edward insists that his old friend sever his connections
with Charles as soon as possible, and when Sir John remarks with surprise
that Charles is still refusing his offer, Sir Edward remarks that “He
seems to think that he can do better on his own. So we’re going to have to
show him the error of his ways. You and I are going to teach him a very
expensive lesson!”.
With Michael Denison
(Admiral Redfern), Gregory De Polnay (Werner Grunwald), Burt Kwouk (Mr
Lee), Fraser Kerr (Robert McIntyre) and Ruth Hillier (Avril’s Secretary). |

Written by Jeremy Burnham
Jan Howard:
“So you’re not even going to put up a fight, Tom?”
Tom Howard:
“How can I when the surveyors have already found me guilty?”
Tom and Leo
take an early-morning sail on Barracuda, where they discuss having
recently heard from Lynne, who appears to be coping well in the
At Relton
Marine, Avril chairs a board meeting to discuss the recommendations
arising from her report. Gerald raises the subject of the problems
surrounding the Mermaid Yard, and whilst Charles silently observes
proceedings, Colin Linsdale voices concerns that their association with
the Yard and the bad publicity arising from the catamaran disaster is
having a negative impact on Relton’s image. He implies her confidence in
Tom being cleared is based on personal rather than professional judgement,
and Avril demands that he retract the accusation. Gerald tries to placate
Linsdale by underlining the fact that she has taken steps to avoid such
damage by withdrawing Barracuda from the market, and Avril
reconfirms that she believes the action was a mistake. When Charles
demands an explanation, she claims it is an admission of guilt, claiming
to the marine industry it appears as though Relton has lost faith in Tom’s
capabilities as a designer and craftsman. Charles curtly acknowledges her
opinion and suggests that the meeting continue. They briefly discuss the
loss of the Seafire contract, with Avril countering that they have secured
the services of another powerboat firm, and that their prototype should be
ready for entry in the First Race, at which she has persuaded
organisers to allow Charles to present a cup to the winner. Jack and Bill
discuss the situation at the Mermaid Office and the former reluctantly
admits he will need to lay off two more workers to keep their financial
problems in check. They also discuss Admiral Redfern’s possible
commission, and Bill implies that Jack can perhaps persuade him to change
his mind.
Leisurecruise, Mark unveils promotional material for the forthcoming
Class Three Summer Powerboat Race and suggests entering it himself.
Although they are beyond the entry date, he implies that as Bob Lyall is
one of the organisers, he can persuade him to allow the company to enter
the race. Ken assures him there is no need as he has already entered
Leisurecruise in the competition, much to his surprise. Mark accuses
him of keeping the entry a secret as he intended to make an independent
entry into the race, and claims he only entered because Charles Frere is
an old rival of his and that a victory would put one over Relton Marine.
Mark angrily defies Sarah’s wishes and secures his own entry in the race,
claiming that if he wins he will race for Leisurecruise for the
remainder of the season.
Jan presents
the Application For Southern Venture Capital to a board from Sir
John Stevens’ bank (at which Sir John and Sir Edward are in attendance),
accompanied by numerous press articles concerning the untimely death of
Claude Dupont, and she highlights the strong sales potential and brilliant
career which was so cruelly cut short. She presents Anna Lee’s designs to
the assembled forum, and highlights her boutique plans. Sir Edward appears
smitten with her, particularly when he cites the fact that her proposal
documentation refers to no personal commitments (having separated from her
husband and with two grown-up children). At the end of the presentation,
he escorts her from the room and, in the corridor outside, he asks if they
can further discuss her plans – over dinner.
Periplus, Jack asks Kate to apply some delicate pressure on Admiral
Redfern to change his mind, and learns that through a complicated series
of arrangements she suggested Redfern visit the Mermaid Yard in the first
place. Gerald settles the credit card accounts as Polly confronts him over
his packed suitcases in their front foyer. He reminds her that he does not
have an unlimited source of income, and explains that he is leaving for
on overnight business for Charles. He implies, before departing, that is
she engages in any further spending sprees, he will definitely leave her.
Jack pleads
with Avril to get Relton to release advanced funds from Barracuda’s
royalties to pay the Mermaid Yard’s wages bill. Avril agrees to write out
a personal cheque for the three-thousand pounds required rather than draw
on Relton’s reserves.
Sarah and
Ken have dinner, where their discussion over Mark’s irrational behaviour
is briefly interrupted when they see Jan arrive in the company of Sir
Edward Frere. Ken speculates that she may be seeking his financial
assistance. Sir Edward discusses Jan’s personal and professional lives,
her recent separation from Tom and whether or not her marriage to him had
been a happy one.
Later that
evening, Ken rebuffs Sarah’s amorous advances as he claims that he is
concerned that Mark may discover their affair. He suggests that they wait
until Mark takes an overseas trip before renewing their “acquaintance”.
At Anthony
Knightwell Solicitors, Tom and Jack meet with the legal teams for the
Mermaid Yard and the Travis’ to discuss the legal proceedings and consider
a potential out-of-court settlement. Mrs Travis’ counsel insists on a
trial on the grounds of either a design or a construction fault, much to
their mutual displeasure.
Later that
morning, Jan visits Sir Edward at Highfield for lunch.
telephones Polly as Gerald missed their lunch appointment, and whilst she
initially ventures the opinion that he may have missed his flight from
Geneva, when Charles assures her he would have contacted him in that
regard, she is concerned that he may have had an accident.
After lunch,
Sir Edward endeavours to cultivate an ongoing relationship with Jan, and
whilst the latter remains oblivious to his intentions, the former is
decidedly taken with her.
proposes to Leo that he establish a leisure hire business, boosted by her
financial investment in the enterprise.
returns home, much to Polly’s relief, though when she presses him as to an
explanation of where he was between his Geneva trip and his arrival in
Tarrant, he is initially evasive. He reveals that his oldest and dearest
friend, James Gittings, is dying, and that he took an earlier flight home
to be at his side.
Tom and Jack
drown their sorrows at The Jolly Sailor, and Jack suggests that
they search for the unrecovered pieces of the catamaran to determine
whether Mr and Mrs Travis made impact with something before the accident.
As the
Summer Poweboat Race prepares to get underway, Charles and Avril monitor
the progress of Relton Marauder, their new powerboat. She implies
the vessel was named after him.
Ken and Mark
man their own entries in the race (Venom and Scotch Mist,
respectively), and Sarah wishes them both luck as the boats stream from
the starting post.
Sir Edward
pays Jan a visit at the Design House and is introduced to Anna Lee. He
presents Jan with a cheque for funding, granted from the allocation board
committee, much to their mutual delight.
Ken wins the
powerboat race with Mark a close second, much to the delight of Sarah and
Robert McIntyre, but to Mark’s fury at having been pipped to the post by
his rival.
Sir Edward
and Sir John discuss Jan’s flourishing fortunes, but their conversation
soon turns to the latter’s immediate distancing of himself from Charles’
affairs before the former’s business plans can continue.
meanwhile, is disappointed to present the cup and ten-thousand-pound
cheque to the race victor, Ken Masters.
Kate pays a
visit to Admiral Redfern’s residence, and whilst he initially fails to
recognise her, he is delighted when his identity suddenly dawns on him.
Leisurecruise, Ken and Sarah celebrate his victory with Mark, and
whilst Ken offers to place his winnings in the company “kitty”, Mark
declines the offer claiming that it was not “their” victory but “his”. Ken
proposes using Seafire as a lucrative sponsorship source for future
racing commitments, but Mark is far from impressed. He reveals that he
will be away for the remainder of the week, as he intends to visit Alfred
Alvarez in Lisbon with a view to securing a deal for what he describes as
the quality end of the market.
Tom hands in
his resignation at the Mermaid Yard, despite Bill and Jack’s
recommendations that he reconstruct the catamaran. He believes he is
acting in the Yard’s best interests so that the question mark hanging over
the business is firmly removed ahead of the court case. Kate persuades him
to retract his resignation and obtain proof of his innocence; Tom agrees
to engage in the reconstruction work as Kate reveals that she has
convinced Admiral Redfern to commission the construction of the wooden
boat, and that he will sign the contract in the morning. Tom and Jack are
overjoyed that their fortunes may at last be changing.
Mark has flown to Lisbon, Ken and Sarah enjoy a romantic day together on
one of Leisurecruise’s luxury vessels. However, as they enjoy a
bottle of champagne and flirt with one another, to their horror they catch
sight of Mark on the riverbank, who has been spying on them with the aid
of binoculars. Ken asks Sarah if that’s who he thinks it is, and when she
concurs, he issues a resigned “Oh dear”. Their affair is now out in the
With Michael
Denison (Admiral Redfern), Peter Penry-Jones (Colin Linsdale), Peter Van
Dissel (Anthony Brightwell), Nicholas Donnelly (Peter
and Stephen Boswell (James Pitman).

Episode 5:
Written by
Jill Hyem
Jan Howard:
“Tom, I was wondering if you’d let me lend you some money …”
Tom Howard:
“No, Jan, I couldn’t possibly accept”.
Jack and
Bill Sayers enjoy a final test-sail on board the forty-foot wooden
schooner commissioned by Caroline Davis-Seagram.
announces that he now has a backer, Amanda, for his leisure hire plans.
Leisurecruise, Ken and Sarah fall out after Mark’s discovery of their
affair. Their relationship has come under increasing tension as Mark has
been missing since he caught sight of their romantic rendezvous.
takes Avril on a tour of the proposed business park development, and he
reveals that she will be responsible for the management of rental prices
at the site; Charles insists that when she deals with clients, she should
impress upon them the exclusivity of acquiring a site in the park. She
interviews Jan, who is looking for an outlet for her fashions. Later, she
learns that Avril’s affair with Tom is now over.
obtained photographs of the wrecked catamaran, Tom and Jack reach the
conclusion that the Travis’ must almost certainly have collided with
something before the vessel broke up and sank. They suspect that an impact
load on the bottom of the keel may be the root cause of the accident.
Ken is
furious when he learns that, with the new Relton powerboat sponsorship,
his own lucrative deal with Robert McIntyre can no longer go through.
Gerald and
Charles clash over Sir Edward. With Sir Edward’s probable holding in the
consortium constantly increasing, Gerald is ordered to Switzerland to stop
the rot.
Later, Polly
and Gerald discuss the plight of his dying friend (whom he merely refers
to as “James”), and he reveals that he intends to send James to the United
States for an expensive treatment which may ease his suffering. Polly
suddenly appreciates the connection between Gerald and James, and realises
that he is referring to the famous painter James Gittings.
Anna Lee’s
fiancé arrives at the Fashion House and says he expects her to give up
work when they are married. She later confides in Kate.
Tom pays a
visit to the Department of Shipping Science, whereupon he meets Emma
Neesome, whose services he calls upon in his bid to clear both his name
and that of the Mermaid Yard. With the centre board on the catamaran
having never been recovered, Tom can only provide her with his figures for
comparisons and test-simulations.
Later, at
the Mermaid Yard, in a somewhat awkward celebration both he and Jan enjoy
a glass of champagne and toast their past together and their futures apart
as they receive their divorce papers.
Leo receives
an unexpected visit from Amanda’s father, who tries to buy him off so as
to keep him away from his daughter. When this fails, he stuns Leo by
revealing that his daughter already has a fiancé.
investigates whether Jan has access to the financial resources she
requires for her expansion bid. Later, he is shocked when Mark suddenly
returns to Leisurecruise, seemingly unaffected by the revelation of
his wife’s adulterous affair with Ken. He claims to have been in Lisbon
liaising with Alfred Alvarez ahead of a prosperous sales contract, but
Sarah and Ken are suspicious nonetheless.
Avril admits
to Charles that her relationship with Tom has come to an end, and he
apologises sincerely to her for the break-up of their relationship several
years earlier. He ventures the hope that they can make a fresh start once
again, and this time Avril appears receptive to his advances.
While Ken
and Sarah speculate about why Mark has not confronted them about their
affair, they prepare to assess his prowess on a powerboat during a brief
time-trial ahead of entries in future races. However, they are alarmed
when he started to manoeuvre the vessel at dangerous speeds of over fifty
miles per hour, and later they are horrified when they witness Mark
speeding towards a colliding with marker buoy, resulting in a powerful
explosion in which he is killed. What initially appears to be an accident
is something far darker: Mark has committed suicide before his adulterous
wife and her consort.
With Fraser Kerr (Robert McIntyre), Ian
Steele (James Leverett) and Leon Tanner (Alan Parker).

Written by Anthony Osborn
“I’m not interested in private morality, Kenneth. Or in immorality for
that matter. I am merely here to safeguard the interests of the bank”.
Ken tries to
comfort Sarah at the funeral of her late husband, but is rebuffed.
Later, Sir
John Stevens asks Ken to clarify the position over the late Mark Foster’s
shares, all of which have reverted to his wife (who now holds a two-thirds
share in Leisurecruise).
assessors descend upon the Mermaid Yard.
Concerned at
the spiraling costs of extricating the Yard from the Lynnette
situation, Jack meets with Avril and places pressure on her to ask Charles
to provide financial assistance.
Neesome’s own research confirms Tom’s findings - the “Lynnette” catamaran
did hit something – but in order to be in the clear they will have to find
the missing piece of the centre board, damaged by a tortional stress
impact fracture.
Tom takes up
Jan’s earlier offer of financial support. Jan succeeds in negotiating a
deal for three independent outlets through which to sell her fashion wear.
Later, she enjoys a meal with Sir Edward Frere, who is still courting her
as a potential second wife.
Tom takes up
Jan’s earlier offer of financial support – he refuses to take money from
her for no return, and offers forty percent of his Mermaid Yard shares to
her, but with a warning: if he is not cleared regarding the Lynnette,
it may only be a stay of execution. Later, when he tries to tell Jack of
his plans, he is sidetracked by his partner’s ruminations over the
changing face of the Yard, and his subsequent treatment of Tom, for which
he apologises.
following day, Jack, Leo and Amanda, now reunited after he discovered she
is engaged to another man, begin a search of the sea bed in the area where
the accident to the “Lynnette” took place; they are searching for
the catamaran’s missing keel.
Tom and Emma visit the Solent Coastguard to ascertain if reports of any
under-sea nautical hazards had been reported which the catamaran may have
Kate is
introduced by Jan to Sir Edward while at they each enjoy a day at the
races, and she creates quite an impression.
realises he needs a commitment from the director of AFTC to fight off his
father’s assault on the consortium and gossip-mongering in the City (a
commitment later left off the board meeting agenda after Sir Edward meets
with him beforehand). He nevertheless finds time to invite Avril to his
chateau at St Aubin for the weekend. She accepts, and during their time on
his French estate they agree to become lovers once more.
Later that
evening, Ken returns to Leisurecruise to find Sarah waiting for him
in the darkness of the showroom. He expresses his regrets at the death of
her husband, but tries to convince her that life and business must go on.
He asks whether she is prepared to sell her shares to him, but she refuses
to grant them to him; she will sell, but suggests she may do so to Charles
Tom informs
Emma that the bank are determined to call in the overdraft. Meanwhile,
Jack and Amanda are overjoyed when Leo salvages the Lynnette’s keel from
the sea-bed.
With Artro Morris (The
Priest), Frank Tregear (The Assessor), Daniel Andre Pageon (Pierre) and
Jonathan Adams (The Coastguard).
NB: This
episode attracted 11.5 million viewers.

Written by
Anthony Osborn
“There’s going to be a wind of change sweeping through that yard! I’m
going to drag the Mermaid out of the nineteenth century if it’s the last
thing I do – with all its men!”
Jan arrives
at the Mermaid to celebrate her directorship, but Tom still has not been
able to discuss the developing situation with his partner. Later, Jack is
horrified to learn of another Howard at the Yard, and refuses to drink
with her. Learning of Jan’s latest move, Ken pays Leo (the hero of the
hour having salvaged the Lynnette’s keel) a visit and offers him a job in
the powerboat business.
continues to threaten to sell her entire holdings in Leisurecruise to
Relton Marine. She reveals she has already met with Gerald Urquhart in
preparation of the sale.
Anna Lee’s
father visits his daughter at the Fashion House. Anna in turn confides in
Leo: she is being forced to marry Tan, the fiancé chosen by her father,
and to give up her job. Her hasty departure has thrown Jan’s orders and
business plans into chaos, and she is worried as to Sir Edward’s reaction.
visits the bank and withdraws a substantial sum, putting his account into
overdraft. Later, both he and Polly meet AFTC’s Managing Director, Geoff
Silberston, over dinner and they learn that the delay in the company’s
decision is due to Sir Edwards’ machinations.
Gerald is
ordered back to
to stem the dissention amongst the consortium members and obtain
confirmation from AFTC of their support for Charles’ development plans.
Charles has
a brief disagreement with Avril over his conflict with Sir Edward.
While Gerald
is away, Polly acts as a guide for Geoff. However, she ruins the evening
by making a blatant pass at him.
Jan wastes
no time making an impression at the Yard, laying down the law with the
construction stuff, but later impresses Tom with she identifies a gap in
the market with her proposal for a new racer-cruiser yacht for the young
and upcoming boat-buyer. It will be a smaller boat than Barracuda, and
designed to appeal to young people, a vessel which could be raced by still
attached to the back of a motor vehicle.
Leo has an
uncomfortable drink with Amanda’s parents, during which he reveals to her
father that she has broken her engagement with her former fiancé. However,
they later enjoy a night out at a ship-board party.
Sir John
warns Sir Edward that, if he continues his pursuit of Charles’ business
interests, it could lead to his son’s ruination.
Having found
the piece of missing centre board from the catamaran, Emma secures
officially sanctioned evidence confirming the Mermaid Yard was not
responsible for the catamaran accident.
Later, Tom
and Emma convince Mrs Travis to drop her law suit out of court. However,
the situation remains that the Yard needs to be publicly cleared, and Emma
identifies Jan’s suggestion of inviting a journalist to tour the property
as the ideal opportunity.
A distressed
and agitated Polly later tries to ascertain if Gerald returned on the
delayed flight from Zurich – and discovers that passenger information has
no record of him having boarded the plane. The following morning, she is
shocked to learn that Gerald withdrew one-hundred-thousand pounds from
their account before leaving on his business trip.
On a
spontaneous whim from the night before, Leo and Amanda pay a visit to the
registry office and get married.
With Burt Kwouk (Mr
Lee), Gregory De Polnay (Werner Grunwald), James Warwick (Geoffrey
Silberston), Beverley Walding (Ruth Silberston), Michael Irwin (The
Assistant Bank Manager), Leon Tanner (Mr Parker) and Auriol Smith (Mrs
NB: This
episode attracted 12.0 million viewers.

Written by
Anthony Osborn
Avril Rolfe:
“If I go ahead with the Barracuda, Charles, you’ll refuse to support
Frere: “If you go ahead, Avril, I’ll fire you”.
Frere refuses to afford Avril permission for Barracuda to return to the
market until such time as the market itself welcomes the Mermaid Yard back
into the fray. Later, she is given the uncomfortable task of sacking her
marketing manager – at Charles’ instruction.
are underway for the Wolf Rock Race. Tom agrees to register Australian
reporter, Mike Hanley, as crew member on board Barracuda.
convinces Sir John Stevens to back him in buying an equal shareholding in
the powerboat company. He also wines and dines Alfred Alvarez with a view
to a very large powerboat order. In addition, he puts his proposal of a
Class Three wooden twin-hulled powerboat to the Mermaid, which he intends
to use for races. However, he clashes badly with Sarah over her
temperament towards him and the business affairs of Leisurecruise.
returns with the news that his friend James Gittings has died of AIDS.
Tearfully, he breaks down before Polly as he reveals that he withdrew the
money to pay for his treatment.
Jan, Tom and
Jack fail to reach agreement as to whether or not to accept Ken’s
commission; Jan can see the financial benefits, Jack is keen to work on
another “Mary Rose”-esque boat, but Tom wants Barracuda released as
opposed to working for Ken.
Frere flies
to Zurich to meet Merchant Banker Paul Voss. He wants to meet Karl Hanson
and three of the members of the consortium. He calls in a favour and asks
Hanson to replace Werner Grunwald with Paul Voss. When Hanson becomes
difficult to persuade, Charles resorts to a touch of blackmail.
Returning to
Leisurecruise, a tearful Sarah reveals she will not be selling her
shares in the company after all. Seemingly concerned for her welfare, Ken
suggests she go on a brief holiday to recuperate from the loss of Mark –
but he has other motives behind the suggestion.
Kate meets
with Sir Edward, the latter of whom tentatively broaches the subject of
his budding relationship with the former’s daughter.
Jan believes
Anna has left for
Hong Kong
with her fiancé, according to news from Mr Lee. She confides in Sir
Edward, who gives her sound business advice with regard to a search for a
new designer and a means of overcoming her cash-flow problems.
Tom, Emma,
Leo, Amanda and Mike Hanley take a cruise on Barracuda to put the vessel
through its paces. Afterwards, Amanda’s father confronts Leo with regard
to the marriage, but Tom manages to moderately placate him.
At the party
to celebrate the news of Leo and Amanda’s wedding (during which Tom and
Jan receive a congratulatory telegram from Lynne), Leo is given a large
cheque from Ken Masters.
receives a telephone call from Alvarez informing him that Frere has
usurped his offer, with the deal having been secured by Avril Rolfe and
Relton Marine.
celebration, Charles returns from Europe with an expensive picture as a
gift for her.
receives a “summons” to meet with Charles, whereupon he will be called to
account for his unexplained absence. Polly asks him whether or not there
is a future to their relationship, given James’ death and the likelihood
that he may now be redundant. Much to her surprise, Gerald reveals that
they may have a possible future together.
reveals that Avril had hired an investigator to assist Tom with regard to
the Lynnette.
Meanwhile, Jan is shocked when Anna arrives back unexpectedly as the party
is in full swing.
Peter Penry-Jones (Colin Linsdale), Ian Gardiner (Klaus Anderberg), Bill
Bailey (Karl Hanson), Mike Sarne (Paul Voss), Chris Sanders (Alvarez),
Leon Tanner (Mr Parker) and Auriol Smith (Mrs Parker).
This episode attracted 11.55 million viewers.

Written by
Douglas Watkinson
“Not only
did she accuse my mother of being an antique, she started telling me how
to run my business!”.
moves off for the start of the Wolf Rock Race, taking place at the end of
Cowes Week.
meanwhile, is reminiscing with Vanessa, an “old flame”. Afterwards, when
he realises how late he is, he has to hitch a lift to join the others on
board Barracuda.
arranges for powerboat racer Richard Spencer to escort him to the vessel.
En route, he reveals he has a forthcoming meeting with Avril with regard
to a possible contract.
Jan demands
an explanation from Anna as to her sudden disappearance. Anna reveals that
she had decided not to marry Tan, but that her father remains a problem.
She later reveals to her mother that Anna was not in Hong Kong after all,
but was in Southampton: her father merely wanted Jan to believe her
designer had gone for good.
Ken Masters
sends Eleanor Craig for a job at Jan’s boutique, and Jan is not amused at
her attitude. He also dispatches Sarah to the Algarve. He is approached by
David Lloyd with an offer of financial advice.
Since Ken is
intending to float the company on the USM (Unlisted Securities Market), he
cautiously accepts.
prepares for his “showdown” with Frere but is surprised at Charles’
reaction. He is not fired, but receives a blank cheque as compensation to
cover the cost of treatment for his late friend. He is surprised that
Charles is aware of his relationship with Gerald, and the pair have an
open and frank discussion.
Polly is
pleased that Gerald’s meeting with Frere went smoothly, but he is shocked
when he finds that Sir Edward is waiting to see him, and even more so when
he is offered a job. Initially intending to decline the offer, he is
persuaded by Polly to consider the offer. Despite her keenness for his
acceptance, Polly cannot understand why her husband wishes to make a stand
on a point of principle. Later, he informs Charles of his father’s covert
offer; Charles wants Gerald to keep him informed of every development.
meets with Avril to discuss a potential alliance with Relton Marine. She
assesses his award-winning pedigree and tentatively negotiates a contract.
Jan has a
prickly meeting with Bill Sayers regarding the Mermaid Yard’s adherence to
production schedules. Later, she has dinner with Ken to discuss his
Mermaid commission. However, the conversation is soon steered around to
their relationship.
Anna and
Kate put the finishing touches to the interior of Leo and Amanda’s new
home, during which they discuss the situation with her father.
has to change course to rescue two stricken sailor, one of which Jack
thinks he recognises but cannot place.
There is
further tension when Amanda begins to flirt with Mike Hanley.
following day, Ken receives a surprise call from former Relton board
member David Lloyd, whom he agrees to meet to discuss a potential business
role at Leisurecruise.
Edward and Sir John discuss their bid for the Belgian Oil and Rannoch
Holdings stakes in the Business Park development. Frere is uneasy at Jan
attending Relton Marine board meetings. Having already expressed his
concerns to Avril, he later tries to dissuade Jan from attending further
meetings or from seeing more of Sir Edward, using the option on the
sporting-cruiser franchise as pressure. He questions her capacity to keep
Relton business confidential, and Jan resents the implication.
Sir Edward invites Jan to join him in Plymouth, where he is due to present
the award to the Wolf Rock Race winner, but she declines. She remains
somewhat concerned when he enquiries as to whether or not Charles has
granted Barracuda a return to the marketplace.
As the
official timings are read out, Barracuda is placed first within its class
at a time of 36 hours 38 minutes. Furthermore, Sir Edward proudly
announces that the Barracuda will enjoy extensive press coverage, owing to
the fact that the crew rescued Hector Anderson, owner of The Daily Post.
This is indeed borne out, as the newspaper headline the following morning
reads: Victorious Barracuda In Paper Chief Rescue.
With Ian Gardiner (Klaus
Anderberg), John Moulder-Brown (Richard Spencer), Bruce Bould (David
Lloyd), Jeffrey Gear (Radio Disc Jockey Richard Mallett), Christine
McEachern (Eleanor Craig) and John Quarmby (The Fisherman).
This episode was filmed during the 1987 Wolf Rock Race which was won by
Robert Nickerson in “Panic Major”.
episode attracted 11.75 million viewers.

Written by
Raymond Thompson
Frere is not interested in buying me. He’s interested in breaking me.
There’s a none too subtle difference”.
Marine organises a press reception for Tom and the victorious Wolf Rock
Team, staged by Avril Rolfe, at which Barracuda is officially launched on
the market amidst much fanfare and ceremony.
Jack and Tom
are interviewed by BBC Television South to discuss their victory and the
rescue of the two seamen.
introduces Leo and Amanda to Richard Spencer.
Sir Edward
returns to the Estate with news of further successes with regard to
acquiring shares in the Business Park.
With the
acquisition of Rannoch Holdings’ stake, Charles’ new business partner will
be his father.
receives an unexpected visit from her father, during which he fails to
persuade her to marry Tan. In displeasure, he disowns her and allows her
to pursue her own career.
introduces Tom to Stewart Cavendish of Northern Boatyards, a potential
buyer interest in a tour of the Mermaid Yard.
Spending the
day together revisiting old haunts, Polly and Gerald discuss the paths
their lives have taken. Later, Polly tells him that she plans to get a
job. Whilst she thought he would react badly, he warmly concurs with her
David Lloyd
and Ken discuss the potential of utilising the business interests of Leo’s
father-in-law, Mr Parker, and the designs Relton Marine will have on
Leisurecruise when it is publicly launched. Ken intends to retain the
lion’s share of the company, but David warns him to keep control of the
situation or he will lose everything.
contacts Jan to inform her that the new
outlet had undergone a refit and is ready for her inspection.
When Charles
learns that Belgian Oil’s shares have been acquired by his father, he
instructs Avril, in Gerald’s absence, to bid for the last remaining
company, Rannoch Holdings, before Sir Edward can act. However, despite her
best efforts, an offer has already been made for the shares. Charles is
disturbed that he will be forced into an alliance with his father, whom he
considers as backward-looking in terms of his business outlook.
Jan is
dismayed at the slow progress with the sporting-cruiser, and her exchanges
between Tom and Bill Sayers cause tempers to flare at the Yard. Her
confrontation with Jack concerning an adherence to production schedules
also ends badly.
Leo returns
home to find Amanda living it up with friends. When he breaks up the
party, they have a row.
following day, as Leo settles into his sales role at Leisurecruise,
he meets David Lloyd, who discusses Ken’s motivation in hiring him in the
first place. David suggests persuading Mr Parker with a private offer to
invest in the company prior to its floatation.
The fashion
shoot gets under way at Highfield Estate, and whilst all appears to be
running smoothly, with all the pressures, Anna surprisingly faints after
breaking a semi-precious vase.
Tom and
Emma’s relationship comes under strain after he misses a dinner date in
favour of completing designs on the Masters commission. However, he
manages to assuage her fears as to where his priorities lie.
Sir Edward
and Sir John meet the former’s old friend, Lord James Rannoch, at the
House of Commons, and privately arrange to outbid Charles (by
one-and-a-half percent) for Rannoch Holdings’ share in the Business Park
Jack visits
the boutique and attempts to win Kate over to his side against Jan, but he
ends up having a row with her. Jan is delighted when Polly telephones the
Design Studio, and the former offers her a job at the Marina outlet.
Later, she discusses the appointment with Sir Edward, who is enjoying her
company whilst keeping his son at bay with regard to their forthcoming
returns unexpectedly from the Algarve, much to Ken’s surprise. She
overhears his telephone conversation with some potential Russian buyers,
and wants to know more.
David Lloyd
secretly visits Charles Frere and advises him that their scheme for
Leisurecruise is going according to plan.
With Burt Kwouk (Mr
Lee), John Moulder-Brown (Richard Spencer), Bruce Bould (David Lloyd),
Jeffrey Gear (Richard Mallett) and Ralph Michael (Lord Rannoch), Jocelyn
Bain-Hogg (The Photographer), Joanna and Sandy Lanthois (The Models).
NB: This
episode attracted 12.35 million viewers.

Written by
Raymond Thompson
“And this is the price you have to pay? Always looking over your shoulder
waiting for someone to stab you in the back?”
Amanda and
Leo fall out over her plans to enjoy a day sailing to the Isle of Wight
whilst he works at Leisurecruise. When she returns home late that
evening, the pair once again have a blazing row.
successfully begins work at the Periplus Boutique.
queries Ken’s plans to retain David Lloyd as a business consultant, and
why she was not consulted as to his appointment. She believes he wanted
her out of the way so that he could negotiate an enormous deal with Sir
John Stevens and a variety of other plans of which she remains unaware. He
fails to persuade her otherwise.
Charles pays
Sir Edward a visit to discuss their new business partnership. The latter
claims their union could make his son a powerful force, but Charles does
not believe he has his best interests at heart.
Whilst Tom
and Jan test a new yacht, Jack discusses the latter’s involvement in the
affairs of the Yard with Avril, who believes he is being entirely
Ken meets
with Allan Parker, Amanda’s father, to manage the floatation of his
company on the Unlisted Securities Market. He highlights the increase in
domestic and export orders and sales, and Parker discusses the potential
risks and pitfalls in such a viable proposition.
Jack sends a
bouquet of flowers to Kate as a peace-offering and an invitation to lunch.
With good
progress on the sporting-cruiser, Avril is keen to commission a production
costing for Relton Marine. However, she first needs to overcome the
ill-feeling between them and the Mermaid Yard.
Jan suggests
that the Yard open negotiations, without commitment.
Charles and
Sir Edward hold a joint press conference to announce their partnership in
the Business Park, during which the pair mutually endorse one another’s
future plans. Immediately afterwards, Sir John informs Sir Edward that his
son will not take defeat “lying down”.
announces to Gerald that he is going on the attack before the consortium
officially meets next month. He instructs Gerald to arrange an urgent
meeting with Voss.
Avril meets
powerboat racer Richard Spencer to discuss a powerboat display for
assembled media to officially announce his deal with Relton Marine.
Anna and Jan
select photographs for the brochure promoting their forthcoming
Ken reveals
to Leo that he has appointed Allan Parker as the stockbroker to manage the
floatation, and whilst the former tries to highlight the positives of
Leisurecruise’s future endeavours, the latter realises that he may be
an unwitting pawn in Ken’s plans.
Sir Edward
is introduced to Allan Parker by Sir John Stevens. As a result of their
discussions, Sir Edward advises Stevens that Parker is the perfect decoy,
and instructs him to withdraw the next stage of Ken Masters’ loan.
Unaware of
these events, Ken enjoys a dinner with Jan, over which he boasts as to his
prosperity with regard to the floatation and his plans to promote the
vessel being constructed by the Mermaid Yard in conjunction with going
public. Steering the conversation back to their relationship, Ken tries to
ascertain her depth of feeling towards Sir Edward; he wants to get back
together with her, much to her surprise.
Tom and Emma
attend the tank and tunnel-testing of the new powerboat, and learn that a
half-a-degree adjustment is required in order to attain the requisite
When Ken
receives word that the second stage of the loan has been withdrawn, both
he and Sarah prepare to visit Sir John; Sarah suggests that Ken should
confirm to Sir Edward’s “man” that he harbours no romantic interest in Jan
Richard Spencer’s powerboat display, before Frere and the assembled Press,
there is a spectacular crash between the Marauder (manned by Spencer) and
a cruiser containing a group of drunken youths which has strayed into the
official course.
Whilst Leo’s
suspicions over his wife’s fidelity are briefly assuaged after a
conversation with Kate, when he returns home later that day he sees Amanda
drive off with Grant Edwards, a former boyfriend.
With Leon Tanner (Allan
Parker), John Moulder-Brown (Richard Spencer), Davd Jackman, Henry Cole
and David Askam (The Reporters).
NB: This
episode attracted 11.5 million viewers.

Written by
Raymond Thompson and Anthony Osborn
“Polly, if we’re going to make anything of our marriage, we’ve got to
forget about what we’ve both done and look to the future”.
Tom and
Avril enjoy a day’s sailing on the new yacht whilst Charles Frere flies
overhead, monitoring the vessel’s progress in his helicopter on his return
from Zurich.
consults Bill Sayers as to the progress with regard to Masters’
Kate and
Anna are delayed en route to the marina boutique, leaving Polly to man the
fort whilst they try to hitch a lift on a milk float.
Charles and
Gerald discuss a wealthy potential investor in the Business Park, a
representative from the Sibu corporation, Hitoshi Serozawa, a man who
prides himself on family honour. Gerald reveals that David Lloyd has
requested an urgent meeting, having obtained vital information regarding
Ken Masters and Sir Edward. Later, the three consider the implications of
Parker’s appointment to the Leisurecruise floatation plan, and
whether or not Sir Edward may be planning to obstruct Ken’s plans via Sir
Jan places
unwanted pressure on Jack concerning the completion date, and whilst Bill
tries to excuse his behaviour, she is having none of it.
delightfully gloats over the bad publicity generated from Richard
Spencer’s powerboat accident. Sarah refocuses his attention on finding out
why Sir John Stevens withdrew the second-stage of the loan.
When Jan
discovers that Ken’s second-half cheque has bounced, she tries in vain to
contact him, but he is refusing her calls. When she informs Avril and Tom
of the development, their enthusiasm over the yacht inspired by her
designs is somewhat dampened.
Jack meets
Vanessa at the airport. Later, they enjoy lunch on a boat she used to own.
Whilst he hopes they will have a future together, Vanessa reminds him that
she is already married, and that all they now share is a past.
Avril pays a
visit to Spencer in the nursing home in which he is recuperating from neck
injuries sustained in the accident. She obtains his signature on paperwork
regarding the insurance on his boat, but is unable to stay longer as she
has been charged with preparations for the grand Marina opening.
Ken and
Sarah share a tense meeting with Sir John, who cites that the former has
over-borrowed to sustain his plans for the powerboat and the floatation.
When the Alvarez contract fell through, several members on the board of
the bank started recalling the failed marina development in which Ken had
previously been involved, and as such they consider Leisurecruise
to be a poor prospect. Sir John offers them a ray of hope: raising enough
venture capital to cover most of the expenses may alleviate their
problems. When Ken enquiries if he has any suggestions, he offers Parker’s
Jan arrives
at the new Periplus marina boutique to find that Anna, Kate and
Polly are putting the finishing touches to the displays and wares. Whilst
there, she receives a call from Ken. Later, they meet at the
Leisurecruise offices where he makes his excuses. Jan demands an
assurance that the Yard will be paid. Ken claims that Sir Edward has been
making his deals far more difficulty than they should be, and that it has
been fuelled by his jealousy over his association with her. Jan assures
him that their relationship is over, but Ken does not believe her. When
Sarah returns during their conversation, he immediately changes the
Leo and
Amanda take a day-trip to the coast to discuss the Grant Edwards
situation, and she admits that she has renewed her affair with him.
Claiming she feels trapped in marriage, Leo concludes that their marriage
is at an end.
Prior to the
marina opening, Charles presents Avril with an expensive diamond necklace,
and asks her to entertain Serozawa during the ceremony.
Gerald and
Polly discuss the future of their relationship after the death of James
Gittings. She reveals that she made a pass at Geoff Silbertson, and he
forgives her.
introduces Tom to Otis Seymour, charged with recruiting possible designers
for a British consortium with a view to making a challenge to the
America’s Cup. Tom discusses the principles of aerospace technology being
employed on the potential designs, and after some awkward exchanges
regarding the Lynnette disaster, he manages to convince
of the benefits of his design acumen.
offers Tom an opportunity to join the design team, but he is reluctant to
accept without Jack being included in the contract as his partner.
When Charles
witnesses Desmond Goulding speaking to Serozawa, he instructs Avril and
Gerald to distance the pair immediately.
Leo, Jack
and Bill enjoy a lads’ night out at The Jolly Sailior, whereupon
they launch into an impromptu and drunken rendition of We Are Sailing.
following day, Ken and David Lloyd entertain Allan Parker at
Leisurecruise. The pair take Parker on a test-cruise of the new Sea
Fire vessel. Parker reveals that a one of his clients might be
interested in a venture capital scheme with Leisurecruise. When
pressed, he reveals the client is Sir Edward Frere, much to Ken’s
Whilst the
new Periplus branch opens, Tom and Leo discuss their varying
romantic fortunes. The latter reveals that he has married the wrong woman,
that he should have married Abby, and that he plans to start divorce
Sarah courts
Richard Spencer with a view to becoming the new Leisurecruise
powerboat driver, and whilst he reminds her he is under contract to Relton
Marine, she manages to persuade him to keep an open mind as to what she
can offer.
returns the diamond necklace, citing she will not accept gifts with price
tags attached. She also delivers a facsimile revealing that Alvarez is
withdrawing from his Relton Marine contract, revealing his company has
come under threat of a takeover.
reveals that Serozawa is an old business rival of his father’s, whom he
wants to use against him. Frere Holdings owns prime land across the United
States, and intends to use Serozawa to bolster his budding Rochester
development plan utilising the land. With Serozawa’s support, he can win
over the support of the consortium against his father.
Sir John
warns Sir Edward as to Charles’ developing alliances, but the latter is
The arrival
of David Lloyd, who reveals that the decoy (Parker) has been set upon Ken
Masters, boosts his confidence: he is now ready to make a decisive attack
upon Charles.
With John Moulder-Brown
(Richard Spencer), Bruce Bould (David Lloyd), Leon Tanner (Allan Parker),
Vincent Wong (Hitoshi Serozawa) and Clinton Greyn (Otis Seymour).
This episode attracted 12.35 million viewers.

Written by
Raymond Thompson
got enough people sticking their oar in this business as it is. The last
thing we need is some Star Wars egghead like Emma poncing about this Yard
Ken Masters
pays a visit to Sir Edward Frere at Highfield, and they discuss the
floatation, which the latter considers a sound investment. Sir Edward
reveals his brokers have convinced him to “bridge” the company, and when
Ken suggests that he purchase a stake in the company, he becomes somewhat
evasive. He insists on complete confidentiality with regard to his
involvement, which Ken agrees to. Sir Edward also reveals that he was
responsible for acquiring the Alvarez contract, and implies he has designs
on Macintyre’s Sea Fire and Relton Marine.
Dazzled, Ken
leaves the meeting believing his prospects remain high, unaware he has
become an unwitting pawn in the power-play between the Freres. Later, when
he reports back to Sarah, she is highly suspicious of how long it will
take for the deal to run aground. She does not like the way Sir Edward
conducts his business, and fails to be persuaded by Ken’s silver tongue.
Tom tries to
convince Jack that the opportunity to submit designs for selection to the
Cup consortium can benefit the Mermaid Yard, even if they are only
demands that David Lloyd ascertain how Leisurecruise would generate
the relevant venture capital to secure Alvarez’s contract, which is now
listed in their floatation prospectus.
At the Anna
Lee Collection fashion shoot, Anna Lee identifies a potentially harsh
fashion critic in attendance. Whilst Jan plays the part of Master of
Ceremonies, Anna nervously observes the critic’s reaction to the launch.
Allan Parker
pays a visit to Leo to discuss the impending divorce, and demands an
explanation. He believes Leo has married his daughter merely to reap the
financial rewards from her allowance, and despite his protestations,
Parker insists that Leo consider all the implications of proceeding with
this course of action.
Avril stages
a photo shoot with Jack, Tom and Emma prior to the launch of the new
yacht, now christened Spring Of Tarrant.
Charles and
Gerald escort Serozawa and a handful of other investors around the first
three phases of the Business Park development. Charles discusses a pooling
of resources with Serozawa in an offensive against Sir Edward.
At The
Jolly Sailor, Tom reassures Leo that he has made the right decision,
despite the pressure applied by Parker.
Sir John and
Sir Edward discuss business over lunch, the latter instruction the former
to see to it that Parker closes in on Alvarez and Macintyre. When Sir John
reiterates his concerns regarding Charles, Sir Edward is confident that
his son can do nothing to stop him.
Later, Jan
and Anna are pleased with the critic’s reaction to the launch. Jan insists
that Anna is a worthy successor to Claude Dupont, and the critic agrees.
Sarah and
Ken meet Richard Spencer at Leisurecruise to discuss securing his
powerboat racing contract. He is impressed with the designs for the
forthcoming powerboat constructed by the Mermaid Yard, and Ken assures him
he will be even more so after the test-run.
Sir Edward
and Kate spend a day at the races to watch his latest acquisition,
Spirit Of Kate, enter its first race, which it later wins by two
Periplus Three, Polly receives a call from Orrin’s parents regarding
Tom reveals
that the mail-out and promotional work ahead of Spirit Of Tarrant’s
launch has been a complete success, so much so that even Ken Masters is
bringing a distinguished guest: Sir Edward Frere.
reveals to Charles that there has been considerable share movement on the
American market, and that if a potential strike at Relton is not resolved
swiftly, there could be a disastrous knock-on effect across Frere Holdings
and the Business Park consortium. Disturbed, Charles intends to fly to New
York to arrest the downward spiral with Serozawa’s support. Gerald insists
that he should call a truce with his father, but he remains adamant.
Kate and Sir
Edward return home from the races, whereupon he is introduced to Leo.
When Gerald
returns home, Polly breaks the news to him: Abby had apparently vanished
without trace after a row with Orrin, but later they discover she is en
route to Idaho to stay with some friends.
convinces Avril that his business preoccupations of late have overshadowed
his relationship with her, and that he needs to keep sight of his personal
priorities. He asks her to accompany him to New York, and she reluctantly
Ken reveals
to Richard Spencer that he is keen to make entries in Division One
Powerboat Races, and wants him to be at the forefront of this move.
expresses concerns regarding Relton’s contractural hold on Spencer, but
Ken remains confident that there should be no obstacles.
Over dinner,
Tom reveals that his enthusiasm to design for the America’s Cup has been
somewhat dampened by Jack’s reaction to his plans and Emma’s potential
appointment at the Yard.
Sir Edward and Jan enjoy a meal at Highfield, during which the former can
do nothing by shower the latter with compliments, the culmination of which
is a surprising proposal of marriage.
Leisurecruise enjoys is first day as a publicly listed company,
opening with a trading price of forty-pence premium: Ken and Sarah are now
paper millionaires.
Leo is
shocked when Abby suddenly arrives on his doorstep, seeking a shoulder to
cry on.
Sir Edward
officiates at the launch of Puma, the new Leisurecruise
powerboat, which he proclaims a true example of private enterprise. Amidst
the celebrations, Jack and Sir Edward are delivered the shocking news that
Charles’ jet has ditched into the Atlantic Ocean, and air-sea rescue has
been dispatched to search for survivors...
With John Moulder-Brown (Richard Spencer),
Leon Tanner (Allan Parker), Vincent Wong (Hitoshi Serozowa) and Roz
Clifton (Gina Rosetti).