NEWS ARCHIVE - 18th to 24th AUGUST 2008


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19th August 2008


The DVD of the second series of BBC sketch show That Mitchell and Webb Look has another new release date (the fourth, by our count), and a new sleeve image. The disc is now scheduled for release on October the 20th. Full details, including a list of the bonus features, are contained in the disc's Incoming record.



18th August 2008


Among the new or augmented titles in the Incoming database this week are Revelation's Winds of War mini-series box set; Fox's enticing Planet of the Apes - 40 Year Evolution Blu-ray box set; Sarah Silverman's bad-taste comedy extravaganza Jesus is Magic; the Blu-ray version of Pushing Daisies - Season One; an attractively-priced four-movie Errol Flynn Westerns box set from Warner Home Video; the second series of the Hinge & Bracket sitcom Dear Ladies; a four-disc edition of Caligula, which is finally being made available uncut in the UK; the 1954 Cinemascope movie The Black Shield of Falworth; Douglas Sirk's wartime romance A Time To Love and A Time To Die; the Oscar-nominated 1937 Gary Cooper / George Raft seafaring drama Souls at Sea; cat-and-mouse thriller Pure Race; award-winning Lebanese beauty-parlour-based chick flick Caramel (Sukkar banat); TV favourites Dallas - The Complete Season 9, the second season of CHiPS, and the seventh, final season of The Dukes of Hazzard; and the compelling BBC drama series Criminal Justice.


Here's the latest news from the IMAX theatre at Waterloo:

The Dark Knight: The IMAX Experience continues throughout August at the BFI IMAX - over 75,000 tickets have been sold to date - and we have our usual selection of 3D family films showing every day.

On Saturday 23 August, back for the second time after its sell-out screening last October will be The Bourne Trilogy, this month's After Dark All-Nighter.

Starting at 11.30pm will be The Bourne Identity followed by The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum. Matt Damon aficionados will also enjoy the bonus screening of Team America – World Police (!) As usual we’ll have free tea and coffee and prize giveaways between films, and snacks, sweets, soft drinks and alcohol on sale through the night, all adding up to a great atmosphere and a different kind of night out in town.

NB. All films will be shown in 35mm filling about 1/3 of the giant screen.

Details at the BFI IMAX website.

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Previous Zeta Minor News entries can viewed here.


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