25th February 2008
Those of you who are enjoying the second
series of That Mitchell and Webb Look might like to know that the
series is due on disc on March the 31st, from Fremantle. In the meantime,
anyone who'd like to see the first series again might want to visit HMV,
who have the disc for a spiffing £5.99,
Recent additions to the
database include a number of new Network announcements, another
Assault on Precinct 13 Special Edition from Optimum; a bunch of
new Blu-ray announcements from Sony and Fox; and two titles that Second
Sight seems to have licensed from American label Criterion: Ronald Neame's
1980 spy caper movie
Hopscotch, and Franju's classic
Eyes Without A Face ( aka
Les Yeux Sans Visage).
Another day, another press release from Fox
saying some of their forthcoming Blu-ray titles have been delayed. This
time it's Master and Commander and The Day After Tomorrow,
and they've been postponed until April the 28th.
That means their current line up is:
Eastern Promises - 25th February
Wall Street - 17th March
Commando - 17th March
Master and Commander - 28th April
Day After Tomorrow - 28th April
Predator - 19th May
Robot - 19th May
Fly - 19th May
Audiobooks have announced that they will be releasing an exclusive
audio-only Doctor Who title, Pest Control, on CD (only) on
May the 8th. It will be read by David Tennant his good self.
Here's some of the press release, which
includes a sneak preview of the script...
Pest Control was commissioned from
author Peter Anghelides: "I love David Tennant's work on the book
adaptations, so I'm simply thrilled that he's reading this special audio.
He phoned to discuss the characterisations, and my younger son picked up.
How great is that? A phone call from the Doctor!"
The story is the first to feature Donna
(Catherine Tate) as the Doctor’s companion and below we can offer a sneak
preview of the script:
“There was another squealing sound from
high above. Donna wondered what it was. The Doctor already seemed to know,
and dragged her protesting over the sodden ground and towards the truck.
‘Take cover!’ he yelled. ‘The bombardment has started!’
‘Incoming!’ bellowed Harrison from the
middle distance.
A dull crump sounded from beyond the truck,
and a fountain of black earth spurted up into the air and scattered over
them. There was a fizzing sound of energy.
The remaining soldiers leapt out of the
transport vehicle, fresh weapons in their hands. Harrison had appeared by
Donna’s side. He was looking to her for orders, she realised. She wasn’t
in uniform, she wasn’t able to command him, and all because of a simple
Harrison’s eyes glazed over. He toppled
face forward and sprawled in the mud. Only then did Donna know what the
fizzing sound was. Weapons were firing. Harrison had been shot dead in
front of her.
The dun-coloured shapes of more soldiers
scurried past, taking positions. It took Donna a moment to work out what
they were doing: they were aiming their rifles upward.
She followed the direction of their
weapons. She stared in disbelief.
Donna could make out thin legs on fat,
swollen bodies dropping from the invisible sky. The air was alive with
gunfire as the creatures fell through the fog and clattered to the ground.
‘Oh my God,’ she breathed. ‘Doctor, they’re
dropping ponies on us!’
‘Not exactly,’ he said, pulling her behind
the truck. Donna slithered in the mud, and landed on her bum. She could
feel the water soak right through. The Doctor was still talking: ‘Look
again. Horses don’t have parachutes.’
Next week we have a BBC Audiobooks
competition for the latest Doctor Who CDs, including three new series
stories (Forever Autumn, read by Will Thorp; Sick Building,
read by Freema Agyeman; and Wetworld, also read by Freema Agyeman),
and a new TV soundtrack release, The Monster of Peladon, a Jon
Pertwee Doctor Who story with new narration by Elisabeth Sladen (who plays
Sarah Jane Smith).
Last week's Zeta Minor News
can be viewed here.
Previous Zeta Minor News entries can viewed