NEWS ARCHIVE - 21st to 27th JANUARY 2008


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21st January 2008


Graves has more-or-less completed his comprehensive overhaul of the Incoming database's Blu-ray and HD DVD titles.

You'll find listings of forthcoming Blu-ray titles here, and forthcoming HD DVD titles here. You can also search for catalogue titles from the main Incoming page. There are some very enticing titles due later this year, on both formats!

Any additions or corrections can be submitted to this Roobarb's DVD Forum thread. My thanks to Graves for his hard work over the last couple of weeks.


Warner Home Video has announced a new collection of films directed by Stanley Kubrick will be released on March the 3rd, to mark the 80th anniversary of his birth.

Five films are included in the collection: 2001 - A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket. All have been re-mastered, and will be accompanied with new bonus material. The DVD versions are two-disc sets. These will be available separately, or together in an Amaray box set which will also include the documentary Stanley Kubrick - A Life In Pictures. The films are also being released on Blu-ray and HD DVD.

Full details can be found on the disc's Incoming records...

2001 - A Space Odyssey   DVD     Blu-ray     HD DVD

A Clockwork Orange   DVD     Blu-ray     HD DVD

Full Metal Jacket   DVD     Blu-ray     HD DVD

Eyes Wide Shut   DVD     Blu-ray     HD DVD

Kubrick Box Set   DVD

Revolver Entertainment have re-scheduled the DVD release of Mushishi, the live-action fantasy movie from Akira director Katsuhiro Otomo. It will now be released on March the 3rd, with an RRP of £15.99.

Film4 will release twenty movies on DVD on March the 17th and March the 31st, with RRPs from £6.99. They are mostly re-issues (previously released when the label was being distributed by Video Collection). They are: The Yards, My Beautiful Launderette, She’s All That, The Bostonians, Martha Meets Frank, Daniel and Lawrence, Raining Stones, Another Country, Maurice, Monsoon Wedding, Life is Sweet, Sexy Beast, Bread and Roses, Dogma, Buffalo Soldiers, My Name is Joe, Riff-Raff, Heat and Dust, Europeans, Blue Juice and Gangster No.1.

Titles added to the Incoming database in the last seven days include the David Duchovny comedy series Californication; the Robert Rodriguez half of the Grindhouse double-bill, Planet Terror; Julie Taymor's Beatles-inspired Across The Universe; and the Farrelly Brothers comedy Heartbreak Kid.


Three Paramount titles have been listed by for Blu-ray release in March: Trading Places, Coming to America and Anchorman, leading to fevered speculation that a switch from exclusive HD DVD support might be imminent. Or it might just mean that Amazon entered them as Blu-ray titles by mistake (none of them has been released on HD DVD here yet, either).


Film4 will release three titles on HD DVD on March the 31st: East is East, Touching The Void and The Motorcycle DIaries.

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