NEWS ARCHIVE - 24th to 30th SEPTEMBER 2007


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24th September 2007


Many newly-announced titles have been added to our forthcoming releases database, Incoming, this week, as well as additional details for many titles, and many more etailer links. Please use the links to support Zeta Minor!


Warner Brothers has formally announced the DVD release of the Final Cut version of Ridley Scott's 1982 masterpiece Blade Runner.

Sadly it looks like the UK version of the Ultimate Collector's Edition is a bit less Ultimate than the US Ultimate Collector's Edition version, which comes in a briefcase, and also includes a nice-looking model Spinner, and an origami unicorn.

Also, it seems that the UK won't be getting Blu-ray or HD-DVD equivalents of the five-disc DVD edition. These are being released in the US. Blu-ray owners had better hope that the US five-disc version isn't region coded!

The various sets are priced very reasonably. The five-disc DVD edition, with an RRP of £29.99, is being offered by some etailers for just under the £18 mark. See the Incoming records for details:

Two-disc DVD edition

Five-disc DVD edition

Blu-ray edition

HD-DVD edition

Here's the press release...

The Film That Started It All


Warner Bros. Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of a Science-Fiction Classic

Debuts on 2 Disc Special Edition DVD and 5 Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition DVD 3rd December 2007

Limited Theatrical Release in the UK from 23rd November 2007

Spectacular Editions of Director’s Long-Awaited New Version, Restored and Remastered with 5.1 Audio, New and Deleted Scenes, Special Effects and More

All four Previous Cuts, Including the Ultra-Rare ‘Workprint’ Version, Available Along with Hours of Extra Content Including Over 45 Minutes of Deleted Scenes & “Dangerous Days,” the Comprehensive New Feature-Length Doc

Also Available in HD DVD & Blu-Ray

The one that started it all. Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, starring Harrison Ford, is one of the most important science-fiction movies of the 20th Century. In celebration of its 25th anniversary, director Ridley Scott has gone back into post production to create the long-awaited definitive new version. Blade Runner: The Final Cut is spectacularly restored and re-mastered from original elements. The film has been scanned at 4K resolution and will contain never-before-seen extended scenes, new and improved special effects, a director and filmmaker audio commentary and a new 5.1 Dolby Digital audio track.

A limited theatrical release of The Final Cut will open in selected UK cinemas on 23rd November 2007.

Blade Runner: The Final Cut will be included in two stunning DVD editions both released on DVD 3rd December from Warner Home Video.

The Two-Disc Special Edition will have new commentaries and a bonus disc featuring the documentary Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner.

The Five-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition will be packaged in a collectible tin with lenticular, art cards and a letter from Ridley Scott. This Collectors Edition contains all five versions of the film, the Dangerous Days documentary and will also include an entire disc with hours of enhanced content containing featurettes and galleries devoted to over forty-five minutes of deleted and alternate scenes recently discovered in deep storage and approved by Ridley Scott, visual effects as well as background on author Philip K. Dick, script development, abandoned sequences, conceptual design, overall impact of the film and how it lead to the birth of cyberpunk.

Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos, Joanna Cassidy, Sean Young and Daryl Hannah are among some eighty stars, filmmakers and others who participate in the extensive bonus features. Among the bonus material highlights is Dangerous Days - a brand new, feature length documentary by award-winning DVD producer Charles de Lauzirika, with an extensive look into every aspect of the film: its literary genesis, its challenging production and its controversial legacy. The definitive documentary to accompany the definitive film version.

Additionally, the Five Disc Ultimate Collection will include an entire disc with hours of enhanced content containing featurettes and galleries devoted to over forty-five minutes of deleted and alternate scenes recently discovered in deep storage and approved by Ridley Scott, visual effects as well as background on author Philip K. Dick, script development, abandoned sequences, conceptual design, overall impact of the film and how it lead to the birth of cyberpunk. Trailers, TV spots and promotional featurettes will also be included.

Said Ridley Scott: "The Final Cut is the product of a process that began in early 2000 and continued off and on through seven years of intense research and meticulous restoration, technical challenges, amazing discoveries and new possibilities. I can now wholeheartedly say that Blade Runner: The Final Cut is my definitive director’s cut of the film."



Disc One


Restored and re-mastered with added & extended scenes, added lines, new and cleaner special effects and all new 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio. Also includes:

* Commentary by Ridley Scott

* Commentary by Executive Producer/ Co-Screenwriter Hampton Fancher and Co-Screenwriter David Peoples; Producer Michael Deely and production executive Katherine Haber

* Commentaries by visual futurist Syd Mead; production designer Lawrence G. Paull, art director David L. Snyder and special photographic effects supervisors Douglas Trumbull, Richard Yuricich and David Dryer

Disc Two


A feature-length authoritative documentary revealing all the elements that shaped this hugely influential cinema landmark. Cast, crew, critics and colleagues give a behind-the-scenes, in-depth look at the film -- from its literary roots and inception through casting, production, visuals and special effects to its controversial legacy and place in Hollywood history.


The 5-disc Ultimate Collector's Edition includes everything from the 2-Disc Special Edition plus four additional versions of the film, as well as an “Enhancement Archive” bonus disc of enhanced content that includes 90 minutes of deleted footage and rare or never-before-seen items in featurettes and galleries that cover the film's amazing history, production teams, special effects, impact on society, promotional trailers, TV spots, and much more.

One of the versions of the film included is the ultra-rare, near-legendary Workprint version of the film, which has been re-mastered. The Ultimate Collector’s Edition will be presented in a unique collectible tin which will include a Blade Runner film lenticular, art cards and a letter from Ridley Scott.

Disc Three


This is the version that introduced U.S. movie-going audiences to a revolutionary film with a new and excitingly provocative vision of the near-future. It contains Deckard/Harrison Ford’s character narration and has Deckard and Rachel’s (Sean Young) “happy ending” escape scene.


Also used on U.S. home video, laserdisc and cable releases up to 1992. This version is not rated, and contains some extended action scenes in contrast to the Theatrical Version.


The Director's Cut omits Deckard's voiceover narration and removes the "happy ending" finale. It adds the famously-controversial "unicorn" sequence, a vision that Deckard has which suggests that he, too, may be a replicant.

Disc Four

BONUS DISC - “Enhancement Archive”

* Featurette The Electric Dreamer: Remembering Philip K. Dick
* Featurette Sacrificial Sheep: The Novel vs. The Film
* Philip K. Dick: The Blade Runner Interviews (Audio)
* Featurette Signs of the Times: Graphic Design
* Featurette Fashion Forward: Wardrobe & Styling
* Screen Tests: Rachel & Pris
* Featurette The Light That Burns: Remembering Jordan Cronenweth
* Deleted & Alternate Scenes
* 1982 Promotional Featurettes
* Trailers & TV Spots
* Featurette Promoting Dystopia: Rendering the Poster Art
* Featurette Deck-A-Rep: The True Nature of Rick Deckard
* Featurette Nexus Generation: Fans & Filmmakers

Disc Five


This rare version of the film is considered by some to be the most radically different of all the Blade Runner cuts. It includes an altered opening scene, no Deckard narration until the final scenes, no "unicorn" sequence, no Deckard/Rachel "happy ending,” altered lines between Batty (Rutger Hauer) and his creator Tyrell (Joe Turkell), alternate music and much more.

Also includes:

* Introduction by Ridley Scott
* Commentary by Paul M. Sammon, author of Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner
* Featurette All Our Variant Futures: From Workprint to Final Cut

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