NEWS ARCHIVE - 6th - 12th FEBRUARY 2006


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6th February 2006


Ceri has overhauled the Incoming page this week, adding dozens of new titles, and information about many more. There's guaranteed to be something for everyone - check it out!


More information about Optimum's Cronos disc is now available (the disc is in shops today!)

The initial press release sold the disc short: it features a commentary track by director Guillermo Del Toro; an hour-long video interview with Del Toro; an eight minute video interview with the film's cinematographer; a five-minute Making of... featurette; and stills, sketches and storyboard galleries.

It doesn't contain all the bonus features from the R1 edition (principally a second commentary, in Spanish, with the film's producers), but it certainly trumps the old UK Tartan edition in every way. The video interviews aren't on the R1 version, so that's a strong case for getting the new UK edition. You can see some menu screens from the disc here.

Anchor Bay will release Robert S. Fiveson's science-fiction thriller Parts: The Clonus Horror on March the 13th.

The film is widely regarded as a source of inspiration for Michael Bay's recent high-profile flop The Island (indeed, Bay's film is now the subject of a lawsuit claiming copyright infringement!)

The film will be presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen format, with a choice of Dolby Digital 2.0 or 5.1, or DTS 5.1 audio tracks. The film will be accompanied by a director's commentary track. Other bonus features include a stills gallery and a trailer. RRP for the disc is £16.99.

More details about Tartan's DVD of the science fiction brain-bender Primer are now available. The film will have two commentary tracks: one by writer / director Shane Carruth; and another by Carruth, and key members of his cast and crew (several people doubled-up behind and in front of the camera). The disc also contains a trailer, and trailers for three other Tartan movies.

The film is presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen format, with Dolby Digital 2.0 audio (at 192kbps), and English HoH subtitles.

I can also give you details about the first volume of Anchor Bay's eagerly-anticipated Masters of Horror series of discs. The first set contains two hour-long episodes of the recent TV series: Cigarette Burns, directed by John Carpenter, and Stuart Gordon's Dream In The Witch House.

Both films are presented in 1.73:1 format, with a choice of Dolby Digital 2.0, 5.1 or DTS 5.1 audio tracks. The episodes have optional English subtitles.

The Cigarette Burns disc features two commentary tracks: one by writers Drew McWeeny and Scott Swan, and another by Carpenter. There's also an interview with Carpenter (Celluloid Apocalypse, 18m); Working With a Master: John Carpenter (19m); On Set: [An Interview with] Norman Reedus (7m); From Script To Screen - Cigarette Burns (37m); Behind The Scenes: [The Making of] Cigarette Burns (4m); Visual Effects (2m); Out-takes (2m); a Stills Gallery; Biography of Carpenter; trailers; DVD-ROM - screenplay and screensavers.

The Dream In The Witch House features an audio commentary (by writer / director Gordon, actor Ezra Godden and DVD producer Perry Martin); Dreams, Darkness and Damnation: An Interview With Stuart Gordon (21m); Working With A Master: Stuart Gordon (24m); On Set: An Interview With Chelah Horsdal (7m); From Script To Screen - Dreams In The Witch House (43m); Behind The Scenes: [The Making of] Dreams In The Witch House (7m); SFX: Meet Brown Jenkin (5m); Bloopers (1m); Visual Effects (2m); a Stills Gallery; Biography of Gordon; trailers; DVD-ROM - screenplay, screensavers and Dream Story.

I was cynically suspicious when I heard about Anchor Bay's plans to split the Masters of Horror series over several volumes, rather than collect them together as a box set, but I have to admit that Anchor Bay have pulled out all the stops to add substantial bonus material to each episode. No doubt a box set will be forthcoming eventually, but in the meantime it looks like no-one will be disappointed with these two-disc sets.

The first Masters of Horror disc will be released on March the 13th.

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