NEWS ARCHIVE - 17th-23rd OCTOBER 2005


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20th October 2005


A prequel to Brian DePalma's gangster epic Carlito's Way, Carlito's Way: Rise To Power, will be released on DVD on November the 14th. The film, which is premiering on DVD, was produced by Martin Bregman, producer of the original film (and Scarface, and Sea of Love, and - er - Pluto Nash). It was adapted from autobiographical novels by Edwin Torres, and stars Jay Hernandez, Luis Guzmán, Sean 'Puff' Combs and Mario Van Peebles.

The disc will apparently feature a choice of 1.85:1 anamorphic and full-frame versions, with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio, and optional English subtitles.

The disc will feature a look at the bond between the key characters (in this and Carlito's Way), titled Got Your Back: Carlito's Brothers in Time; Bringin' The 'Hood' To Life (a look at how the producers re-created the period look of the film); a Making of... featurette; a Set Tour With "Earl" (Mario Van Peebles' character); deleted scenes; and a gag reel.

RRP for the disc is £15.99.

Universal have announced the Bridget's Diaries + The Missing Bits box set, which was included in the News entry for the 10th of October. All that needs to be added is the release date, November the 14th, and the RRP, which is £19.99.

More details on Optimum Home Entertainment's release of the high-camp Joan Collins skin-flicks The Stud and The Bitch are now available. The films are presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen format. They're a bit grainy, but I dare say they've never looked better (after all, they've been pulled from the ashes of the Brent Walker empire). The discs feature trailers for the two films, and another Brent Walker romp, Fanny Hill. The set has an RRP of £15.99. Menu screens for the discs can be seen here.

I've now received the discs for the second season of The Hunger, and can confirm that The Hunger Inside behind-the-scenes documentary is on both sets (although it's almost exclusively about the second season, which was hosted by David Bowie). For more information, go to the News entry for October the 10th.

The RRP for Unleashed has been reduced from £17.99 to £15.99.


Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright will be signing copies of the Shaun of the Dead graphic novel at the Shaftesbury Avenue, London branch of Forbidden Planet on Saturday November the 5th, between 1 and 2pm.

Neil Gaiman is touring branches of Forbidden Planet, signing copies of his new novel, Anansi Boys. He'll be at the Shaftesbury Avenue, London megastore on the 12th of November, between 10 and 12pm. He'll be at Forbidden Planet Newcastle (59 Grainger Street) on November 10th (1-2pm) and Forbidden Planet Birmingham (38 Priory Queensway) on November the 11th (1-2pm).

If you can't make it to any of the Forbidden Planet signings, you can order signed copies from their mail order department, on 020 7803 3666.

Neil is also appearing at the Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL on November the 8th, at 7pm. This even is being hosted by Blackwell's bookshop. Tickets for this are £7 (£5 concessions), from 0845 456 9876 (lines are open Monday-Friday 9.30-6.00pm.

17th October 2005


Ceri has updated the Incoming page to add loads of new information about forthcoming titles. There are so many new titles flooding into the shops in the next few weeks that it's becoming very difficult to keep up with them. If you're making a special journey to pick something up, it's probably worth checking with a few online retailers, to see if a title has actually been released.


Here's some bad news for Jet Li fans: the UK DVD edition of his latest film, Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny The Dog, announced here on September the 21st) will not have a DTS option (I have a copy of the disc, and it isn't there). The audio has a Dolby Digital 5.1 track (at 448kbps), and English SDH subtitles.

However, other than that, the disc is unlikely to disappoint. The bonus features break down as follows: Making of FX (2m, multiple layered passes of the effects shot at the end of the movie); Gag Reel (3m); Complete Scenes (10m, unfinished versions of three fight scenes, before sound effects, wire removal, and other enhancements); an RZA music video; Deleted Scenes (3m); and a Making of... documentary (36m). This set of bonus material is almost completely different from the equally-generous extras on the US disc, so fans of the film will probably want to buy both.

I don't know enough about the film to say whether the UK disc features the US theatrical edit, or the extended version on the Unrated US DVD. It ends with a David Fincher-esque shot where the camera flies into the guts of a piano (the shot featured in the Making of FX featurette), which apparently isn't included in any of the US versions, so perhaps this is a third variant? The UK DVD runs 97'26". The fight scenes are outstanding, incidentally.

Menu screens from the UK DVD can be seen here.

Further details about the Director's Cut of Stephen King's The Night Flier (announced here on August the 24th) are now available.

The film will be presented in full-frame format, with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio (at 448kbps). This may be the Director's Cut, but it's surely not how the director wanted you to see it: the US DVD (of the theatrical version) is in widescreen (1.78:1) format, and that's surely how it should be presented. The transfer on the new disc has a lot of head-room, and it's less than ten minutes before a boom mic makes an unwelcome appearance. Shoddy.

The Director's Cut of the film runs for 97'06" (about four and a half minutes longer than the old version). The extras are, as predicted, from the EPK, and are virtually worthless. The SoundBites total about four minutes.

Menus from the new disc can be seen here.

Last week's Zeta Minor News can be viewed here.

Previous Zeta Minor News entries can viewed here.

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