24th November 2004
Umbrella has announced details of their
six-disc Danger Man box set, which contains all thirty-nine half
hour episodes, re-mastered and uncut. The set will also feature exclusive
commentaries with writer Brian Clemens and director Peter Graham Scott,
rare trailers, memorabilia, production notes, cast profiles, original ITC
press information, extensive image galleries, "and more". The set is due
for release on February the 23rd. Here's the provisional box artwork,
which will be changing...

More details of Optimum's Merry
Christmas Mister Lawrence DVD have been announced. The film has been
digitally restored and re-mastered, and will be presented in anamorphic
widescreen format. The disc will have a stereo 2.0 Dolby Digital audio
track, with a "5.1 conversion TBC". Bonus features for the disc include an
interview with producer Jeremy Thomas (17m - already certificated at the
BBFC), a Making of... documentary, a theatrical trailer and a text
interview with director Nagisa Oshima.
Metrodome Distribution are releasing a
six-disc box set gathering together a collection of documentaries made by
Nick Broomfield on March the 7th. The set, titled Nick Broomfield:
Documenting Icons, will feature Chicken Ranch, Heidi Fleiss:
Hollywood Madam, Fetishes, Soldier Girls, The Leader
His Driver and the Driver's Wife, and Tracking Down Maggie. The
set will feature commentaries, additional scenes, special introductions
and "much more". The release coincides with a BAFTA celebration of
Broomfield's work, on March the 8th, and the publication of book from
Faber & Faber, which is published on March 17th. RRP for the DVD set is
Optimum's release of Trauma has been
delayed - it's now due in June.
Metrodome's Spellbound DVD, which
documents a spelling bee competition, is being re-released on November the
29th, to coincide with the BBC screening a similar documentary (H-A-R-D-S-P-E-L-L).
The disc will be promoted with a price reduction that will hold until the
end of the year: the new RRP is £9.99.
HMV are listing the bonus features for the
UK editions of MGM's Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western re-issues (see
For a Few Dollars More:
Special Edition
Fully Restored Sound and Picture
Audio Commentary
A New Standard - Documentary
Back For More - Clint Eastwood Interview
Tre Voci - Interviews with Sergio Leone
Original American Release Version -
Featurette on Alternative Versions
Restoration Notebook
Locations Comparisons
Rare Double Bill Trailer
Collector's Gallery
Radio Spots
Original Theatrical Trailer
Fistful of Dynamite:
Special Edition
Fully Restored with Extended Footage
Audio Commentary
Bigger, Louder, Deeper - Documentary on Leone
Sergio Dontai: The Screenwriter Remembers Duck
You Sucker
The Autry Exhibition: Sergio Leone Comes to the
Visions And Versions: A Visual Analysis of Duck
You Sucker
Finding The Original Version: Restoring Duck You
Locations Comparisons
Radio Spots
A Fistful of Dollars:
Special Edition
Fully Restored Version
Audio Commentary
A New Kind of Hero - Documentary
A Few Weeks Off in Spain - Interview with
Clint Eastwood
Cinque Voci - Featurette
Not Ready for Primetime - Featurette
Additional Scene - The Network Prologue
Restoration, Italian Style
Double Bill Trailer for A Fistful of Dollars
and For a Few Dollars More Radio Spots
Collector's Gallery
20th November 2004
I'm delighted to welcome Sean to the
Zeta Minor team today. You may know him as Analogueman, over at
Roobarb's DVD
Forum, where he's proved he's got a keen eye for a bargain. Sean
will be helping Ceri compile the Offers
and Incoming pages, and will be
filling in when Ceri's busy (and, presumably, vice versa!)
Sean's already spotted a few great offers,
and has dug up some new information about forthcoming releases, so without
further ado, here's...
Hello everyone…
While Ceri’s away doing important things I’ll be stepping into the breach
from time to time with some updates
to the Incoming and
Offers pages,
so please be gentle with me while I find my feet!
After the stunning announcement of Network’s deal with Granada a fortnight
ago, anything following on from that may seem rather pallid by comparison!
So let’s dive straight in…
The Mausoleum Club
posted some Press Releases concerning some new releases from Acorn early
next year.
First on the cards is a Wartime Stories box set out on 10th
January, containing three classic wartime stories: Back Home,
Carries War and Goodnight Mister Tom. The three-disc set is
priced at £50.99 (RRP).
Next up, on 10th January, is a further helping of Midsomer Murders,
this time two stories (Things That Go Bump in the Night and Dead
in the Water) at £12.99 each (RRP).
The same date also sees Tom Brown’s Schooldays (this is the newer
version starring the inimitable Stephen Fry) out on a single DVD, with an
RRP of £16.99.
Also confirmed (and mentioned last week) is the Series 2 release of
A Family at War (a personal favourite of mine). Following the same
release pattern as Series 1 (and indeed many other Acorn series
releases), the series box set is expected to appear on 10th January, with
the individual four double disc sets subsequently coming out at monthly
intervals. Some of the episodes of this series will be in black and white
owing to industrial action which also famously affected other ITV
productions of the day (such as Upstairs, Downstairs). The complete
Series 2 box set is priced at £79.99 (dearer than the previous
release, as Series 2 has more episodes).
Umbrella’s complete thirty-episode eight-disc release of Man in a
Suitcase is now due out on 8th December. With numerous cool special
features including commentaries and interviews, it’s priced at Au$129.95
(about £55, RRP). Not bad…
Choices Direct have posted that their (exclusive for now) release of the
Sid James / Peggy Mount sitcom George and the Dragon (Network),
which was due out last week, has been put back (yet again) until 29th
November. It has a RRP £49.99. Because it's exclusive to one retailer,
there's no incentive for them to discount it, so expect the price to fall
when it's eventually released to the rest of the trade. Any further delays
to this one, and we’ll be watching it while chewing on turkey and wearing
funny hats…
Carlton are reporting a box set release of new Miss Marple stories
on the 7th of February, with an RRP of £25.99. The new series stars
Geraldine McEwan as Miss Marple. As Ceri reminded me, there appears to be
some confusion as to which version this actually is, as the BBC Shop is
also advertising a release (at £29.99) around this time - see
here. Hmmmm…
Good news for fans of the old favourite Starsky and Hutch. As
mentioned on Saturday's News update,
the complete Season 3 has been announced by Columbia Tristar as
appearing on 28th February (RRP £34.99). The box set doesn’t yet appear to
contain any extras, mirroring the previous release, but it’ll still be on
my pre-order list.
Play are listing a further Carry On release late next year with two
separate volumes of Carry On Christmas TV Specials. List price is
£12.99 each, and are currently due out on 3rd October 2005.
There’s a new large Michael Palin box set on the horizon, containing all
his acclaimed BBC travel series on sixteen discs;
the World in 80 Days (1989), Pole to Pole (1992), Great
Railway Journeys (1996),
Full Circle with Michael Palin
(1997), Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure (1999),
Sahara (2002) and
Himalaya with Michael Palin
Out next
Monday (the 29th of November) this monster is priced at a reasonable
The Elvis Costello video
compilation we mentioned a couple of months ago now has a title (The Right Spectacle - The Very Best of
Elvis Costello - The
Videos), a provisional release date
(January the 17th) and a revised track list. Note that a couple of the
tracks that were being lined up for the disc have apparently been dropped
(the Alright Now performances of Stand Accused and
Possessions and ...Chelsea and Watching the Detectives
from So It Goes), and a couple of appearances from Dutch and
Swedish TV have been added.
More details and a sleeve image can be found on the
Elvis Costello Home Page.
Release dates for next years Jupiter Moon seem to be somewhat fluid
at the moment, with reports of Volume 4 on 24th May, Volume 5
on 22nd August and Volume 6 on 24th October 2005. As ever, we’ll keep an
eye on them.
Fans of the original series of Outer Limits will be delighted to
see a Region 2 DVD release next year, with the complete Season 1
expected on the 14th of April, from MGM at £34.99. Season 2 is also
mooted, with a date TBA.
Due out
today from SGS is a complete fourteen-film collection of the Basil
Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films in one seven-disc box set, and is
being sold as an HMV exclusive for £59.99. This box set will feature
un-restored public domain prints, so is best avoided. Wait for Optimum's
box set, which is due early next year.
Also out
today is yet another John Wayne box set (John Wayne – The Complete Box
Set), this time a thirty-four film behemoth which weighs in at
£199.99. Wagons roll, big man…
A special edition release of John Carpenter’s Assault on Precinct 13
(Contender) is due on the 17th of January. Some retailers are
erroneously reporting the 21st of February as the release date. Contender
are claiming that the film has been digitally restored and re-mastered,
and will feature a trailer, a stills gallery and collector's booklet.
Three timeless spaghetti westerns are being released by MGM in special
editions next April. A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars
More are both priced at £19.99 each, while A Fistful of Dynamite
is £14.99. All three are due out on 18th April 2005. I’ll list any extras
when I have the details.
Out in time for the Christmas market, on the 29th November, at £17.99 is a
re-release of the James Stewart / Frank Capra classic It’s a Wonderful
Life, this time as a Collector’s Edition. It’s apparently been
digitally re-mastered, and has an interview with Frank Capra Jr along with
a 23 minute feature ‘The making of It’s a Wonderful Life’ narrated by Tom
Bosley. [This sounds suspiciously like the same version being re-packaged,
to me - JK]
The BBC shop is now listing some of next years new releases, along with
the extras. These extras include:
The Complete Talking
Heads (7th
March 2005); Alan Bennett Interview, Tellin’ Tales, and Archive Bits.
Day of the Triffids
(21st February 2005); Special Edition Collectors Booklet. [Twenty
three years and all we get is a freakin' booklet??! - JK]
Ultimate Dennis Pennis
(28th March
2005); Paul Kaye Interview, Top of the Pops Dennis Pennis
Links, Dennis Pennis CV, Poster, and a Dennis Pennis Kit.
Blakes 7: Series 3
January 2005… stop that laughing at the back!); Stuart’s Stunts,
Make-Up Artists, Character Introductions x 2, Trailer for Series 4, Clean
Titles, Bloopers, Look North – Behind the scenes, six Easter Eggs,
and Casting Tarrant (Screen Tests / Test Scenes).
And for the little ones (huh hum…), following the release two weeks ago of
The Complete Series 1 to 5 of Thomas the Tank Engine
(£49.99), Series 1 is released standalone on 31st
January at £12.99.
On to a few choice bargains… as always, links are on the
Offers page.
Star Trek: The
Original Series – Season Three
is still up for a
release on the 6th of December (RRP £69.99). Thanks again to CD Wow,
you can get the box set cheaper than anywhere else for only £39.99 (thanks
to Martin Bell for posting). Season Two is also still there at the
same great price.
Thanks to Chris posting that CDWow are also offering Red Dwarf:
Series 5 at £11.99.
Other retailers have now joined Play in offering The Simpsons
/ Futurama boxsets at cheap promotional prices. Choices Direct
are currently offering a ‘two for 26 quid’ deal. You can however take
advantage of this promotion with individual box sets at £13.00, too.
If anyone hasn’t yet dipped a gnarled toe into the gritty world of
Network’s The Sweeney box set releases this year, then Benson’s
World might just persuade you. They currently have the complete
Series 1 to 4 mega-box set on offer for only £89.95 (a mere £22 per
season!) Go on, treat yourself for Christmas…
Another good blag this week, this time from dvd.co.uk, is Starsky and
Hutch: Season 1 for just £13.95.
Amazon UK are now offering the first four seasons of The Sopranos
(the digipack versions) at only £25.97 each.
Thanks to Ed Parsons for posting that Amazon UK are also showing
Bridget Jones’ Diary at £5.75, and both Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
and Fiddler on the Roof at £7.99 each.
Talking of Amazon UK, I also notice they have a few Doctor Who
titles going cheap at the moment. The Leisure Hive is at £11.25,
and both The Talons of Weng-Chiang and
The Seeds of Death (both two
disc sets) are at £9.97 a pop! Season 2 of Kung Fu is only
£22.49, and thanks to Ceri for posting that the Special Branch: 1974
Series can be nabbed for £21.26 (in the Amazon Marketplace), along
with Thriller: Episodes 1 to 10 at £13.75 and Timeslip: The
Complete Collection at only £16.09.
Out on the 6th of December is the previously-mentioned four-disc complete
series (one hundred episodes) of Batfink, and Play have it listed
at just £16.99.
Sendit.com are currently listing the Lord of the Rings: The Trilogy
box set for only £17.99 (that’s a whopping £32 off!)
Amazon are currently offering for pre-order an exclusive I, Robot -
Limited Edition Collectors Tin for only £17.99 (£12.00 off), due out
on 3rd December. Thanks to Ceri for spotting that.
I’ve spotted what might be a
mis-price over at DVDPlus. They're offering the John Wayne Ultimate
Collection box set from Delta (out on 29th November). At
just £5.87 for seventeen [short, creaky and badly-transferred - JK] films,
this seems more than a little generous to me…
And finally thanks to Ceri for posting that The World of Pete and Dud
CD is on offer at 101cd.com for only £4.99.
Now, about that Thomas the Tank Engine stuff…
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