NEWS - 1st - 7th DECEMBER 2003
December 2003
will release four disparate films as the "Cult Thrillers
Collection" on February the 16th.
four are Millennium (the time-travel film starring Kris
Kristofferson and Cheryl Ladd), Patty Hearst (Paul Schrader's film
about the 1974 Hearst kidnapping), Physical Evidence (distinctly
average courtroom drama, directed by Michael Crichton, and starring Teresa
Russell and Burt Reynolds), and Wedlock (the futuristic prison
thriller, starring Rutger Hauer). Details are thin on the ground, but
reading between the lines it looks like Millennium and Physical
Evidence will have non-anamorphic letterboxed transfers and Wedlock
will be anamorphic widescreen. There are no details for Patty
Hearst, and no audio spec's for the other three have been released,
either. Scott Johnson's score percussive score for Patty Hearst is
one of my favourites, so let's hope that Carlton's disc does it justice!
All four discs will feature English HoH subtitles. RRP is £9.99 each.
Video will release Michael Powell's heartfelt 1937 film The Edge of the
World on DVD on January the 12th.
film, about a group of Shetland islanders whose bucolic lifestyle is
becoming increasingly threatened by influences from the mainland, was
restored by the National Film and Television Archive in 1990, and has been
the subject of further work for the new DVD version. The disc will feature
a recording of extracts from Powell's book about the Scottish islands, 200,000
Feet on Foula, read by Daniel Day Lewis. The disc will also feature a
commentary track by Powell's widow, Oscar-winning film editor Thelma
Schoonmaker, and film critic Ian Christie; Powell's home movies; the 1978
documentary Return to the Edge of the World; a 1928 travelogue, St
Kilda - Britain's Loneliest Isle; biographies of Powell and producer
Joe Rock, and a stills gallery. The disc will also feature optional HoH
subtitles. RRP for the disc is £19.99.
December 2003
at MGM Home Entertainment has been busy with a list of films and a pin,
judging by the list of titles announced for release in January.
the pack on January the 12th is Matt Dillon's crime thriller City of
Ghosts (which also stars James Caan, Natasha McElhone, Gerard
Depardiei and Skellan Skarsgard). According to the unfinished version of
the sleeve, the film will be in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen ratio, with
Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. Bonus features include a commentary track by
Dillon, a trailer. Other "special features" include "an
interactive menu screens and chapter selections". RRP is £12.99.
Phew! Looks like MGM really pushed the boat out on this one!
Wayne plays a mean Chicago cop in London in Brannigan, which is
being released on January the 12th, with an RRP of £12.99. The disc will
apparently boast an anamorphic 2.35:1 transfer, mono audio, and a
theatrical trailer.
January 12th releases include two Chuck Norris action movies, Lone Wolf
McQuade and Code of Silence, the 1966 film version of
Sondheim's musical A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum,
Dana Carvey's amnesia comedy Clean Slate, Michael Moore's political
satire Canadian Bacon (starring John Candy), Rob Lowe and Patrick
Swayze in the hockey movie Youngblood, Pauly Shore's stinker Bio-Dome,
and Stanley Donan's romantic comedy Blame It On Rio. According to
the provisional sleeves - which should always be taken with a pinch of
salt - all will have 1.85:1 anamorphic transfers. Clean Slate, A
Funny Thing... and Youngblood have 2.0 surround audio; Blame
It On Rio and Lone Wolf McQuade will be mono. Sleeves (and
spec's) for Code of Silence. Bio-Dome and Canadian Bacon were
not available. RRP for these titles is £12.99.
Seven of Stargate SG-1 makes its debut on January the 26th, on a
disc which includes the first four episodes of the season: Fallen (the
SG-1 crew are reunited with an old friend), Homecoming (SG-1 helps
fight Anubis), Fragile Balance (a fifteen year-old child
infiltrates SGC, claiming to be Colonel O'Neill) and Orpheus (Teal'c
is wounded in battle), each supported by a commentary track. Other bonus
materials include a Directors Series featurette focusing on Fragile
Balance, and a profile of actor Michael Shanks.
animated version of Hideo Yamamoto's insanely violent yakuza manga strip Ichi
the Killer will be released by Premier Asia on January the 26th, hot
on the heels of Takashi Miike's notorious live-action version (which is
also available from Premier Asia, but only in a version that the BBFC cut
by more than three minutes).
anime version of Ichi The Killer was written by Yamamoto, and Miike
provides the voice for Kakihara, one of the film's pivotal characters.
Technical spec's and the RRP have not been released.
Bay will be releasing Alejandro Jodorowsky's startling cult classic Santa
Sangre on the 26th of January, as a two-disc Special Edition. The film
will be presented in widescreen format, Dolby Digital 2.0 and 5.1
soundtracks, and a DTS track. Bonus materials will include audio
commentary by the director and peerless film journalist Alan Jones; Louis
Mouchet's feature-length 1994 documentary La Constellation Jodorowsky
(currently only available on Fantoma's US Fando & Lis DVD);
a filmed on-stage interview with Jodorowsky; a deleted scene; a theatrical
trailer; stills and poster galleries; talent biographies and Echek
(a short film directed by Alejandro's son Adan, who stars in Santa
Sangre). The disc has an RRP of £19.99.
Films and Freemantle Home Entertainment are releasing John's Not Mad,
the memorable 1989 QED documentary about John Davidson, a young man
with Tourette Syndrome (a genetic condition which can manifest itself in
involuntary twitches and vocal outbursts). The disc, due on the 12th of
January, will contain the original documentary, and the 2002 follow-up,
which also looked at how the publicity from the original series affected
John. A percentage of the £14.99 RRP will be donated to Tourette
Scotland, the charity supported by John. (You can visit their website by
clicking here).
are the sleeves for these titles...
December 2003
disc of special episodes of Minder will be released by Clear Vision
Video on February the 16th. The disc will contain two episodes: An
Officer and a Car Salesman (from 1988, guest starring Richard Briers)
and The Cruel Canal (from 1991). The disc will also include clips
from seasons five to eight, and an episode guide spanning all 108
episodes. The disc, titled Minder Specials Volume 2 of 2, has an
RRP of £12.99.
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