Director: William Friedkin
Starring: Ellen Burstyn, Max Von
Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Jason Miller, Kitty Winn
A young girl is
possessed by a demon.
Home Video have released an alternative version of William Friedkin's genre
masterpiece The Exorcist, which is being promoted with the tag line
“The Version You’ve Never Seen”. This presents a new edit of the
film, adding about ten minutes of footage to the theatrical version,
including sections that appeared as deleted scenes on the previous DVD
(which remains available). The film has also been tweaked here and there,
with new digital enhancement to some of the effects shots, including a
more powerful version of the infamous – but still superfluous -
Spider-Walking scene. The most substantial improvement is one that should
have been employed for the DVD release of the theatrical version: a
dramatically souped-up, genuinely thrilling audio mix. The picture
transfer, however, is much the same, and, although more than acceptable,
is still rather dull and grainy.
disc is really aimed at committed fans of the film, and lacks the special
features on the theatrical version DVD, including the landmark BBC
documentary The Fear of God (which is only available in full on the
Region 1 disc). Here the supplements include a new commentary track by
Friedkin (no more edifying than the one on the 25th
Anniversary disc); a couple of trailers, and TV and radio adverts for
this new version’s theatrical release.
REVIEW: The Exorcist - 25th Anniversary
The Exorcist - UK Home Video History