Sidney J. Furie
Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa, George Coe, Allen Rich
would be hard to defend The Entity against accusations of misogyny
or exploitation, but that shouldn’t detract from Barbara Hershey’s
excellent performance as a woman who is repeatedly being assaulted by an
invisible force.
almost twenty years the film has only been seen in very grim-looking pan
and scan versions, but the new DVD presents the film in its original
Panavision 2.35:1 ratio (with anamorphic enhancement). Director Sidney J.
Furie makes good use of his wide canvas, and seeing the film properly
framed elevates its claim to artistic credibility a good notch or two. The
new 4.1 surround sound mix (at 384kbps) is rather crude, but adds weight
to Charles Bernstein’s brutish score. The film’s theatrical trailer is
the only extra.