Francis Ford Coppola
Gary Oldman, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder,
Anthony Hopkins
ravishing 1992 adaptation of Stoker’s novel upset many purists - it
claimed to be a faithful adaptation, but strays from the book in many key
respects - but remains a potent and robust version with many attractive
qualities, including superb production design captured by Michael Ballhaus’
vibrant cinematography.
Region 2 DVD is luminous, presenting the film in 1.85:1 ratio and enhanced
for 16:9 TVs. It also boasts a rich Dolby Digital 5.1 sound mix, which
adds significantly to the atmosphere. The Region 2 disc scores over the US
disc for including the oft-seen half-hour documentary Dracula - The
Man, The Myth, The Legend, a trailer and a handful of costume
have subsequently issued a Superbit version of the film, dropping the
documentary to allow the space to be allocated to a better transfer, and a
DTS audio track. What would be more welcome is a Special Edition disc that
presented some more supplemental material (not least of which would be the
material contained on Criterion's excellent NTSC laserdisc release).