
Roobarb's Forum

Welcome to the Roobarb's Forum.

  1. Terms and Conditions, News, Announcements, Registration Help Last Post

    Information about Roobarb's Forum, including our Terms and Conditions, registration advice and information about how you can help support the Forum

    1. News and information about Roobarb's Forum are posted here.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 19
      • Posts: 95
  2. Roobarb's Blu-ray, DVD, 4K Ultra HD and Digital Downloads Forum Last Post

    Note that threads about Doctor Who, Gerry Anderson, Hammer, James Bond, Star Wars and Star Trek, DC and Marvel Comics home video releases can be found in the 'Cult TV and Movies' section.

    1. Discussion of DVDs of British film and television productions from any region.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 3,696
      • Posts: 198,033
    2. Discussion of all DVDs of non-British film and television productions from any region.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 2,828
      • Posts: 70,932
    3. Discussion of Blu-ray and 4K UHD home video releases

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,573
      • Posts: 162,297
    4. Discussion of movies and TV programmes delivered as digital downloads - including streaming services


      1. BBC Store

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 126
      • Posts: 8,656
  3. Cult TV and Movies Last Post

    Sections dedicated to the most popular cult TV and movie series.

    1. The place to discuss and review movies and TV shows featuring characters from DC and Marvel Comics (including imprints like Vertigo, Icon and Wildstorm).

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 126
      • Posts: 12,489
  4. The Green Dog Last Post

    Where Roobarb's friends gather to talk about news, sports, TV shows, movies in cinemas, books, magazines, radio, gadgets, special events, and the recently-departed.

    1. On The Box

      (216 Viewing)

      Television: past, present and future broadcast programmes, upcoming highlights

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 5,999
      • Posts: 340,952
    2. At The Movies

      (73 Viewing)

      Discussion of all things cinema: past, current, future and upcoming movie releases

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 2,312
      • Posts: 129,285
    3. A New Leaf

      (109 Viewing)

      Discussion of books and periodicals! What are you reading?

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,167
      • Posts: 37,426
    4. The Audio Forum

      (161 Viewing)

      Discussion of all audio releases, including radio, music, soundtracks, audio-books, vinyl and other productions.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 2,784
      • Posts: 131,998
    5. Home entertainment and audio-visual equipment, computer hardware, consoles, software, games, electronic gadgets and toys

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 3,915
      • Posts: 64,708
    6. The Events Forum

      (39 Viewing)

      Discussion and diary of events - past, present or future, music, theatre, comedy, cultural happenings, meetings, days out, exhibitions and events of all kinds

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,316
      • Posts: 27,818
    7. Obituaries

      (67 Viewing)

      Tributes to the recently deceased. De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 6,932
      • Posts: 52,903

What's Going On?

Currently Active UsersCurrently Active Users

There are currently 2502 users online. 203 members and 2299 guests

Most users ever online was 3,548, Today at 09:55 AM.

  1. Kersal,
  2. thebargee,
  3. David John Parker,
  4. Sean Marsh,
  5. Calatrice,
  6. Dave Andrews,
  7. Hero,
  8. bacchus692,
  9. sandersonic,
  10. Kieran Seymour,
  11. Pinky,
  12. Darren Allen,
  13. sbazb,
  14. Richard Baker,
  15. glyn269,
  16. Gareth,
  17. turners,
  18. Stuart Manning,
  19. MRMurray,
  20. Fred Nurk,
  21. Linda Glover,
  22. Saerbhreathach,
  23. Scrooge,
  24. Snowy,
  25. lostcat,
  26. Big Jilm,
  27. PJE_UK,
  28. B.Pearce,
  29. crumptonmp,
  30. KeithM,
  31. tigerbomb,
  32. richardmarson,
  33. GeckoDundee,
  34. AstonVillain,
  35. Wayne B,
  36. club jake,
  37. Tomalak,
  38. The Krynoid Man,
  39. Maxwell Beckett,
  40. Scooty,
  41. Mr Wensleydale,
  42. Darren451,
  43. markhuk,
  44. jamesdalek,
  45. David I,
  46. richard30uk,
  47. Edward Drexel,
  48. Omegon-Alpha,
  49. Marcus Scarman,
  50. The Borad,
  51. Dave,
  52. Colonel Blimp,
  53. lovecraft,
  54. Watto,
  55. AJAP83,
  56. Chris Pearson,
  57. Celestial Paradox,
  58. Chris Chapman,
  59. nibblepibbley,
  60. fanoofez,
  61. Joe1968,
  62. Chris O'Connor,
  63. kurz,
  64. ccvoid,
  65. Jacob Marley,
  66. ican,
  67. Heartbreaksoup,
  68. Dandy Desmond,
  69. Mutley,
  70. Susan,
  71. flasher1606,
  72. Za Gum Esq,
  73. The Ginger Cat,
  74. Martin Ball,
  75. SoundableObject,
  76. smegheadreed,
  77. Barry Piggott,
  78. paulc86,
  79. Stevenadams1969,
  80. Stephen Drape,
  81. james.spike,
  82. Bachu,
  83. ataylor,
  84. dbirtles,
  85. Ash Stewart,
  86. Rik Byatt,
  87. Sherwood Forest,
  88. JonGraeme,
  89. Scuttlevision,
  90. Ian W,
  91. davidb,
  92. Brian Fretwell,
  93. mrpringle,
  94. James Hellyer,
  95. JC McFetridge,
  96. DJD,
  97. John Williams,
  98. Duncan,
  99. scruffybloke,
  100. MikePitt,
  101. rickcurz,
  102. Mike Bull,
  103. Snugden,
  104. X-Mentalist,
  105. mcannon,
  106. byrnesr,
  107. discobadgers,
  108. Marke67,
  109. Gary Bates,
  110. Toolz,
  111. Simon Coward,
  112. Rowlf,
  113. Andrew_Pixley,
  114. Tony Richards,
  115. ChrisL,
  116. Tim Mooney,
  117. Mr Sheen,
  118. GreenDeath73,
  119. Sarah's dad,
  120. CinemaScope,
  121. Ceri L,
  122. simon70,
  123. jwf,
  124. EvanMarshall,
  125. Squizz,
  126. Cybercontroller,
  127. Richardr,
  128. Andy Bloor,
  129. John Hodson,
  130. RolandDeschain,
  131. richard l,
  132. unlimitedricepudding,
  133. JonasQuinn,
  134. rigsby,
  135. claudiusthegod,
  136. quincymd,
  137. Big Vern,
  138. tobeover,
  139. SEREN,
  140. Bafflegabber,
  141. iaf6,
  142. John Knight1,
  143. Don Satchley,
  144. Paul C.,
  145. androgum,
  146. Chris,
  147. RobbieParson,
  148. Alan,
  149. mariocki,
  150. Brad,
  151. Oxnard Montalvo,
  152. Charles Norton,
  153. Patrick,
  154. johnnymain,
  155. Paul Shields,
  156. JohnAspinall,
  157. Rock Hunter,
  158. Chippy,
  159. Chris-in-NJ,
  160. ManciKangaroo,
  161. Tim Parker,
  162. Jon T,
  163. Kinggodzillak,
  164. Tony,
  165. anathema,
  166. Simon Tarry,
  167. smithy20,
  168. Simon Lewis,
  169. GMC,
  170. Dissident Aggressor,
  171. Ian,
  173. Matty,
  174. gallunach,
  175. Borderline,
  176. magneticflip,
  177. golden-condor,
  178. doctorindistress,
  179. stuartdg,
  180. eddiethegent,
  181. Smooch,
  182. bazilnerk,
  183. cobblers,
  184. spacecadet,
  185. oddbob0,
  186. Billy Smart,
  187. Julian K,
  188. Mr Magister,
  189. Forever Love,
  190. Hugo Baskerville,
  191. Phil,
  192. M-appeal,
  193. litefoot,
  194. Lazenby,
  195. Metaltron,
  196. RabT,
  197. ticjon,
  198. SgtCryer,
  199. PeteM,
  200. GreyHulk

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